Past Events

Termination of Neurogenesis During Development: Is the End Just the Beginning?

Sarah Siegrist , University of Virginia

108 Wartik Laboratory with Video to Hershey COM Room CG623

Contributions of the Basal Ganglia and Corticostriatal Networks to Categorization Learning and Decision Making

Carol Seger , Colorado State University

108 Wartik Laboratory with Video to Hershey COM Room CG623

Neurobiology of Nicotine Use

Darlene Brunzell , Virginia Commonwealth University

108 Wartik Laboratory with Video to Hershey COM Room CG623

Genetic Dissection of Rett Syndrome, a Monogenic Autism Spectrum Disorder

Zhaolan (Joe) Zhou , University of Pennsylvania

108 Wartik Laboratory with Video to Hershey COM Room CG623

Regulation of Microtubule Dynamics During Growth Cone Motility: A Tale of Two Tip-Trackers

Laura Lowery , Boston College

108 Wartik Laboratory with Video to Hershey COM Room CG623

Regulation of Microtubule Dynamics During Growth Cone Motility: A Tale of Two Tip-Trackers

Laura Lowery , Boston College

108 Wartik Laboratory with Video to Hershey COM Room CG623

Aging, Cognition, and the Brain: Structural and Functional

Kirsten Kennedy , The University of Texas, Dallas

108 Wartik Laboratory with Video to Hershey COM Room CG623

Hippocampal Sequential Firing and Episodic Memory

Eva Pastalkova , Janelia Research Campus, HHMI

108 Wartik Laboratory with Video to Hershey COM Room CG623