Whole Brain Functional and Anatomical Mapping in Mice Using Serial Two-Photon Tomography

April 6, 2016 @ 05:00 pm to 06:00 pm

Yongsoo Kim, College of Medicine, Hershey

108 Wartik Laboratory with Video to Hershey COM Room CG623

Event Website

Abstract:_ _ Social behavior plays fundamentally important roles in supporting and maintaining life. Impairment of social behavior is one of hallmarks in many neurodevelopmental brain disorders such as autism. My lab focuses on understanding how neural circuitry processing socially relevant information and how such process is impaired in neurodevelopmental disorders using mice as an animal model. Our main tool is a whole brain mapping method in cellular resolution with automated 3D microscopy system, called Serial Two-photon tomography. We developed a streamline data processing pipeline to achieve highly_quantitative functional and anatomical analysis in the entire mouse brain. In this talk, I will discuss how the method has been developed and applied to map functional neural circuits involved during social interaction and learned helpless rodent model of depression. The method can be flexibly adapted to detect any other fluorescent signals such as axonal projection for the anatomical connectivity, which has been used to map layer specific motor cortical projection. Lastly, I will present an on-going study that quantify different GABAergic neuronal subtypes in the whole brain. Combination of computational modeling with the quantitative cell type data provides novel insight about cortical inhibitory neuronal network. Using this tool, my lab continues to study how neurons implicated in social processing are wired and how they regulate the social behavior.


Bernhard Luscher