Submit an IPDR Grant Proposal

Key Dates:
Proposal submission due: May 10, 2025
Anticipated award announcement: July 5, 2025
Anticipated start date: September 1, 2025
Mid-project report submission: August 31, 2026 (or January 31, 2026, if one year project)
Final report submission: August 31, 2026, or 2027 (one year or two-year projects)

IPDR is designed to encourage PSU faculty to establish and/or deepen early research relationships with faculty from external partners to:

  • Pursue new inter-institutional collaborative research.
  • Leverage existing, well-established multi-PI collaborations to plan for external grant proposals.

  • Joint grant proposals for external funding (federal, foundation, industry, etc.)
  • Tangible results such as seminars, conference papers, creation of new datasets, publications/peer reviewed publications (or proof of submission), proof of research mentorship (e.g., joint student thesis advising), institutional agreements, student, faculty, or staff training, curriculum development and infusion, etc.

  • All tenure line, research or clinical faculty can apply as PI (Principal Investigator) and co-PIs.
  • Interdisciplinary Institutes affiliation is strongly encouraged, but not mandatory.
  • PI and co-PI(s) can only participate in one proposal

The total amount awarded, and the number of awards will depend upon the number, quality, duration, and costs of the applications received. Estimated funding will be up to $30,000/award (18 to 24 months duration). Needs will vary based on type of research, complexity, and stage of the relationship. Please make all efforts to explain current strengths and challenges of your research program that could be leveraged or addressed through this scheme.

Proposal reviews are based upon the following criteria:

  1. The overall merit of the proposal, including: (1) the feasibility to achieve the proposed project goals and provide the expected outputs, (2) intellectual merit to advance scientific knowledge, and (3) broader impacts that encompass the potential to benefit society.
  2. A credible and clearly articulated strategy for leveraging this seed grant investment into exceptional collaborative scholarship and/or significant external funding.
  3. Appropriateness of the budget request for supporting the proposed project
  4. For certain tracks, use of central facilities (for joint training and/or research) is especially encouraged, and the budget should detail the facilities to be used and the approximate budget for facility spending (including facility staff time).

Investigators will be expected to provide an intermediary project status update and a brief final report upon completing the project. These efforts allow us to track and report outcomes, and monitor the success of our seed grant program.

Submission Instructions

Each proposal should be uploaded as a single PDF and is limited to a 4-page (or less) project description & outreach plan and appendices as outlined below.

The project proposal must include the following:

  • Title Page: include the track(s), project title; PSU PI/co-PIs names, Institute/ School affiliations along with the addresses, telephone numbers, and e-mail addresses of the PI and co-PIs. Include co-PIs/collaborator(s) names and information.
  • Project description: Goal, objectives, brief description of the project (include current strengths and challenges), intellectual merit, potential broader impact. Include research plan- specific aims, significance, preliminary studies/results (if any), approach, intrinsic merit, expected outcomes. If known (strongly encouraged), list one or two (max) targeted funding opportunities or peer reviewed journals and provide links to those. Add any other relevant information.
  • Collaboration plan: Include a well-articulated plan of activities, rationale for collaboration, potential partners/who are the current partners (provide short overview of partner institutions and short description of all of collaborators’ areas of expertise), nature and length of collaborations (new/existing), anticipated plan for an equitable collaboration that would benefit both PSU and the partner.

The proposal should demonstrate a plan for advancing a self-supporting collaborative concept with the potential to produce scholarship of great academic value beyond the life of the seed grant and show strategic merit and alignment of research priorities of PSU and the partner.

Other Required Documents as appendices (not included in 4-page limit):

  • References
  • Timeline with milestones and cost for completing the scope of the work
  • Brief budget justification
  • PI, co-PIs and collaborators’ bio-sketch

Combine all documents into one pdf.

Submit the application via Penn State's unified system (InfoReady) link

Note: Proposals missing a clear timeline with milestones and cost/each milestone will be automatically rejected and not considered for review.