About IPDR

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Building durable bridges and interdisciplinary collaborations with institutions from across the nation

The Huck Institutes of the Life Sciences, in collaboration with the Social Science Research Institute (SSRI), Materials Research Institute (MRI), the Institute of Energy and the Environment (IEE), the Institute for Computational and Data Sciences (ICDS), the Clinical and Translational Science Institute (CTSI), and the Cancer Institute (CU), is offering a new interdisciplinary seed grant program aimed at developing new or leveraging existent strategic partnerships and alliances with institutions from across the U.S. that have complementary expertise and/or resources: the Inter-Institutional Program for Driving Research. The goal of the IPDR is to perform collaborative work that advances research development capability as well as student and faculty training needed to support such research collaborations.

We invite applications for funding needed to assist PSU investigators in collaborating with investigators outside of Penn State to develop or strengthen joint research capability and undertake focused collaborations in complementary and alternative interdisciplinary research. The intent of this seed grant program is to provide support for up to two years to encourage and foster research collaborations that will lead to forming multi-institutional consortia and the submission of competitive, multi-institutional grant applications for interdisciplinary research.

More information is available on the grant's InfoReady page.

Questions may be directed to Camelia Kantor, Huck's associate director for strategic initiatives:

Camelia Kantor

Associate Director of Strategic Initiatives; Associate Research Professor