Curriculum Development & Resources

Research project manager (Full-Time)

Research administrator SME (starts Fall 2025) - more info coming soon

Graphic designer (consultant-five projects/year) - more info coming soon

Focus group member - more info coming soon

Research administrator curriculum focus group member (stipend) - more info to come soon

Graduate student intern (start summer of 2025) -more info to come soon

STAIR student internship (stipend), five seats available, more info to come soon

If you're interested in joining the STAIR Subject Matter Group, please complete the brief form linked below. Each year, we reach out to members of this group to gauge their interest and availability in serving as paid consultants on team-based projects. These projects focus on supporting collaborative teams by contributing to grant proposal sections such as budgets, compliance, broader impacts, assessment, etc.

Adding your information to this list does not guarantee selection or commit you to any work. However, it allows us to consider you for opportunities as they arise. We estimate forming 5-6 teams per year, typically requiring 4-5 subject matter experts per team.

We look forward to your potential involvement in advancing impactful collaborative projects.

Sign Up Here and we will reach out to you about the next steps.

  • Comprehensive grant writing support (starting Fall 2025)
  • Travel awards (annual, based on engagement with STAIR)
  • Training
STAIR Timeline


This material is based upon work supported by the U.S. National Science Foundation under Award No. # 2419948. Any opinions, findings and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the STAIR members and do not necessarily reflect the views of the U.S. National Science Foundation.