Yanxi Liu

Associate Professor of Computational Science and Engineering

Yanxi Liu

Huck Affiliations

Publication Tags

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Facades Computer Vision Human Labels Pressure Distribution Antennas Learning Surgical Planning Detection Rate Automatic Segmentation Semantics Magnetic Resonance Imaging Brain Tumor Automatic Detection Brain Brain Neoplasms Pressure Kinematics Blob Tumor Segmentation Brain Tumor Detection Electroencephalography Tumors Cameras Neoplasms

Most Recent Publications

Building Entrance Detection from Streetside Imagery

J. Liu, V. Parameswaran, T. Korah, V. Hedau, Yanxi Liu, on p. 8

EscherNet 101

Christopher Funk, Yanxi Liu, 2023, on p. 1-16

Yanxi Liu, James M. Rehg, Camillo J. Taylor, Ying Wu, 2022, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence on p. 8702-8703

Novel 3D Scene Understanding Applications from Recurrence in a Single Image

Shimian Zhang, Skanda Bharadwaj, Keaton Kraiger, Yashasvi Asthana, Hong Zhang, Robert Collins, Yanxi Liu, 2022, arXiv.2210.07991 on p. 1-27

Jesse Scott, John Challis, J Challis, Robert T. Collins, Yanxi Liu, 2022, IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering on p. 564-573

Computational Symmetry

Yanxi Liu, 2021, on p. 1--11

From Kinematics To Dynamics: Estimating Center of Pressure and Base of Support from Video Frames of Human Motion

Jesse Scott, Christopher Funk, Bharadwaj Ravichandran, J Challis, R Collins, Yanxi Liu, 2020, arXiv preprint arXiv:2001.00657

Jesse Scott, Bharadwaj Ravichandran, Christopher Funk, Robert T. Collins, Yanxi Liu, 2020, on p. 536-554

Kevin Bowyer, Sevn Dickinson, Gerard Medioni, Michael Brown, Yanxi Liu, Peyman Milanfar, 2019, Proceedings - 2019 IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision Workshops, WACVW 2019 on p. VIII

Symmetry-Aware façade parsing with occlusions

Andrea Cohen, Martin R. Oswald, Yanxi Liu, Marc Pollefeys, 2018, on p. 393-401

Most-Cited Papers

Peter J. Kohler, Alasdair Clarke, Alexandra Yakovleva, Yanxi Liu, Anthony M. Norcia, 2016, Journal of Neuroscience on p. 714-729

2017 ICCV Challenge: Detecting Symmetry in the Wild

Christopher Funk, Seungkyu Lee, Martin R. Oswald, Stavros Tsogkas, Wei Shen, Andrea Cohen, Sven Dickinson, Yanxi Liu, 2017, on p. 1692-1701

Regularity-driven building facade matching between aerial and street views

Mark Wolff, Robert T. Collins, Yanxi Liu, 2016, on p. 1591-1600

Local regularity-driven city-scale facade detection from Aerial Images

Jingchen Liu, Yanxi Liu, 2014, on p. 3778-3785

Symmetry reCAPTCHA

Christopher Funk, Yanxi Liu, 2016, on p. 5165-5174

Chen Ping Yu, Guilherme Ruppert, Robert Collins, Dan Nguyen, Alexandre Falcao, Yanxi Liu, 2014, on p. 1192-1197

Symmetry-Aware façade parsing with occlusions

Andrea Cohen, Martin R. Oswald, Yanxi Liu, Marc Pollefeys, 2018, on p. 393-401

Estimating the camera direction of a geotagged image using reference images

Minwoo Park, Jiebo Luo, Robert T. Collins, Yanxi Liu, 2014, Pattern Recognition on p. 2880-2893

Jesse Scott, Bharadwaj Ravichandran, Christopher Funk, Robert T. Collins, Yanxi Liu, 2020, on p. 536-554