Timothy Jegla
Emphasis Area Representative, Molecular and Evolutionary Genetics; Associate Professor of Biology

230 Huck Life Sciences
University Park, - tjj3@psu.edu
- 814-865-1668
Research Summary
Functional evolution of eukaryotic ion channels and evolution of neuronal signaling and cell structure.
Huck Graduate Students
Huck Affiliations
- Molecular, Cellular, and Integrative Biosciences
- Neuroscience
- Neuroscience Institute
- Center for Molecular Investigation of Neurological Disorders
- Center for Brain, Behavior, and Cognition
- Center for Cellular Dynamics
Most Recent Publications
A broad survey of choanoflagellates revises the evolutionary history of the Shaker family of voltage-gated K<sup>+</sup> channels in animals
Timothy Jegla, Benjamin T. Simonson, J. David Spafford, 2024, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
Functional analysis of ctenophore Shaker K<sup>+</sup> channels: N-type inactivation in the animal roots
Benjamin T. Simonson, Max Jegla, Joseph F. Ryan, Timothy Jegla, 2024, Biophysical Journal on p. 2038-2049
Ctenophores and parahoxozoans independently evolved complex and functionally diverse sets of voltage-gated K+ channels
Benjamin Simonson, Zhaoyang Jiang, Joseph Ryan, Timothy Jegla, 2024, bioRxiv on p. 2024--12
Kv12-encoded K<sup>+</sup> channels drive the day–night switch in the repetitive firing rates of SCN neurons
T Hermanstyne, N Yang, D Granados-Fuentes, X Li, R Mellor, Timothy Jegla, E Herzog, J Nerbonne, 2023, Journal of General Physiology
Genome-Scale Analysis Reveals Extensive Diversification of Voltage-Gated K<sup>+</sup> Channels in Stem Cnidarians
A Lara, B Simonson, J Ryan, Timothy Jegla, 2023, Genome Biology and Evolution
Taxonomy and Evolution of Ion Channels
Timothy Jegla, Benjamin T. Simonson, 2023, on p. 1-14
External cd<sup>2+</sup> and protons activate the hyperpolarization-gated k<sup>+</sup> channelkat1atthe voltage sensor
Y Zhou, Sarah Assmann, Timothy Jegla, 2021, Journal of General Physiology
Cytoskeletal and synaptic polarity of LWamide-like+ ganglion neurons in the sea anemone Nematostella vectensis
Michelle C. Stone, Gregory O. Kothe, Melissa M. Rolls, Timothy Jegla, 2020, Journal of Experimental Biology
What is the correct stoichiometry of Kv2.1:Kv6.4 heteromers?
Aditya Pisupati, Keith Mickolajczyk, William Hancock, Timothy Jegla, 2020, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America on p. 29288-29289
The S6 gate in regulatory Kv6 subunits restricts heteromeric K<sup>+</sup> channel stoichiometry
Aditya Pisupati, Keith Mickolajczyk, William Horton, D van Rossum, A Anishkin, Sree Chintapalli, Xiaofan Li, Jose Chu-Luo, Gregory Busey, W Hancock, T Jegla, 2018, Journal of General Physiology on p. 1702-1721
Most-Cited Papers
Guard cell sensory systems: recent insights on stomatal responses to light, abscisic acid, and CO<sub>2</sub>
Sarah M. Assmann, Timothy Jegla, 2016, Current Opinion in Plant Biology on p. 157-167
Evolution and structural characteristics of plant voltage-gated K<sup>+</sup> channels
Timothy Jegla, Gregory Busey, Sarah Assmann, 2018, Plant Cell on p. 2898-2909
Neuronal polarity: An evolutionary perspective
Melissa M. Rolls, Timothy J. Jegla, 2015, Journal of Experimental Biology on p. 572-580
Major diversification of voltage-gated K<sup>+</sup> channels occurred in ancestral parahoxozoans
Xiaofan Li, Hansi Liu, Jose Chu Luo, Sarah A. Rhodes, Liana M. Trigg, Damian B. Van Rossum, Andriy Anishkin, Fortunay H. Diatta, Jessica K. Sassic, David K. Simmons, Bishoy Kamel, Monica Medina, Mark Q. Martindale, Timothy Jegla, 2015, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America on p. E1010-E1019
Bilaterian Giant Ankyrins Have a Common Evolutionary Origin and Play a Conserved Role in Patterning the Axon Initial Segment
Timothy Jegla, Michelle M. Nguyen, Chengye Feng, Daniel J. Goetschius, Esteban Luna, Damian B. van Rossum, Bishoy Kamel, Aditya Pisupati, Elliott S. Milner, Melissa M. Rolls, 2016, PLoS Genetics
Ether-à-go-go family voltage-gated K<sup>+</sup> channels evolved in an ancestral metazoan and functionally diversified in a cnidarian-bilaterian ancestor
Xiaofan Li, Alexandra S. Martinson, Michael J. Layden, Fortunay H. Diatta, Anna P. Sberna, David K. Simmons, Mark Q. Martindale, Timothy J. Jegla, 2015, Journal of Experimental Biology on p. 526-536
Nicotinamide is an endogenous agonist for a C. elegans TRPV OSM-9 and OCR-4 channel
Awani Upadhyay, Aditya Pisupati, Timothy Jegla, Matt Crook, Keith J. Mickolajczyk, Matthew Shorey, Laura E. Rohan, Katherine A. Billings, Melissa M. Rolls, William O. Hancock, Wendy Hanna-Rose, 2016, Nature Communications
Bimodal regulation of an Elk subfamily K<sup>+</sup> channel by phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate
Xiaofan Li, Andriy Anishkin, Hansi Liu, Damian B. van Rossum, Sree V. Chintapalli, Jessica K. Sassic, David Gallegos, Kendra Pivaroff-Ward, Timothy Jegla, 2015, Journal of General Physiology on p. 357-374
Functional characterization of Cnidarian HCN channels points to an early evolution of Ih
Emma C. Baker, Michael J. Layden, Damian B. Van Rossum, Bishoy Kamel, Monica Medina, Eboni Simpson, Timothy Jegla, 2015, PLoS One on p. e0142730
The S6 gate in regulatory Kv6 subunits restricts heteromeric K<sup>+</sup> channel stoichiometry
Aditya Pisupati, Keith Mickolajczyk, William Horton, D van Rossum, A Anishkin, Sree Chintapalli, Xiaofan Li, Jose Chu-Luo, Gregory Busey, W Hancock, T Jegla, 2018, Journal of General Physiology on p. 1702-1721
News Articles Featuring Timothy Jegla
Aug 12, 2024
Rewriting the evolutionary history of critical components of the nervous system
A new study has rewritten the conventionally understood evolutionary history of certain proteins critical for electrical signaling in the nervous system. The study, led by Penn State researchers, shows that the well-studied family of proteins — potassium ion channels in the Shaker family — were present in microscopic single cell organisms well before the common ancestor of all animals.
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Aug 28, 2018
Jegla Lab Emphasizes Evolution In Study Of The Nervous System
Dr. Timothy Jegla has been interested in evolution and neuroscience ever since his undergraduate days back at Carleton College in Minnesota.
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