21 People Results for the Tag: Virus

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Anton Nekrutenko

Dorothy Foher Huck and J. Lloyd Huck Chair in Genomics, Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Evolution of overlapping reading frames in eukaryotic genomes.

Andrew Read

Senior Vice President for Research; Evan Pugh Professor of Biology and Entomology; Eberly Professor of Biotechnology
The ecology and evolutionary genetics of infectious disease.

Center for Infectious Disease Dynamics

Nita Bharti

Huck Early Career Professor; Associate Professor of Biology
The Bharti lab investigates the underlying links between humans, pathogens, and the environment. We work to identify the mechanisms that give rise to heterogeneities in host disease burden and risk across scales, across spatial and temporal scales. We study the dynamics of host-environment interactions that drive movement and contact patterns as they relate to to pathogen transmission and access to health care.

Center for Infectious Disease Dynamics

Andrew Deans

Professor of Entomology, Director of the Frost Entomological Museum

Brenna Traver

Assistant Professor of Biology

Rudolf Schilder

Associate Professor of Entomology and Biology
Comparative & ecological physiology of insect and mammalian locomotion.

Kurt Vandegrift

Associate Professor
Disease ecology with an emphasis on the population dynamics of zoonotic parasites and reservoir hosts.

Center for Infectious Disease Dynamics

David Kennedy

Assistant Professor of Biology
Ecology and evolution of infectious diseases, with particular interest in how disease dynamics influence pathogen emergence, virulence evolution, and drug or vaccine resistance.

Center for Infectious Disease Dynamics

Rebecca Craven

Professor of Microbiology & Immunology

John Wills

Distinguished Professor of Microbiology and Immunology

Jeffery Sample

Professor of Microbiology

Matthew Jones

Research Assistant - Read Lab and McGraw Lab

Center for Infectious Disease Dynamics

Tom Richard

Professor of Agricultural and Biological Engineering
Application of fundamental engineering science to microbial ecosystems, developing innovative strategies for a more sustainable agriculture and the emerging bio-based economy.

Amanda Clase

Research Associate Professor of Global Health

Gregory Jenkins

Professor of Meteorology and Atmospheric Science, of Geography, and of African Studies
How lightning in particular and mineral dust aerosols can act as sources and sinks of tropospheric ozone in regions downstream of continental Africa