4 People Results for the Tag: Reaction Time

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Robert Sainburg

Director of the Center for Movement Science and Technology; Huck Distinguished Chair in Kinesiology and Neurology; Professor of Kinesiology and of Neurology
The neural mechanisms that underlie control, coordination, and learning of voluntary movements in humans. Functional neuroanatomy of lateralized processes of motor control. Neurorehabilitation and Functional Recovery in stroke patients.

David Vandenbergh

Professor of Biobehavioral Health
Genetics of addiction in human populations and its neurobiological basis in animal models.

Semyon Slobounov

Professor of Kinesiology and Neurosurgery
Psychophysiology of human movement.

Krishnankutty Sathian

Director, Neuroscience Institute – Hershey; Professor and Chair of Neurology; Professor of Psychology