51 People Results for the Tag: Liver

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Manuel Llinas

Distinguished Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Understanding the molecular mechanisms of gene regulation and metabolism in the malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum using functional genomics and metabolomics.

Center for Infectious Disease Dynamics

Robert Paulson

Professor of Veterinary and Biomedical Sciences
The Paulson lab studies the mechanisms that regulate tissue regeneration with a focus on understanding the response to anemic and hypoxic stress

Jeffrey Peters

Distinguished Professor of Molecular Toxicology and Carcinogenesis
Roles of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPARs) in the regulation of homeostasis, toxicology, and carcinogenesis.

Ira Ropson

Associate Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Folding, stability and function of proteins.

Scott Lindner

Associate Professor of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, Co-Director, Center for Malaria Research
Our laboratory couples molecular parasitology and structural biology to study the malaria parasite (Plasmodium spp.).

Center for Infectious Disease Dynamics

Catharine Ross

Professor in Nutritional Science; Dorothy Foehr Huck Chair
Vitamin A metabolism; hepatic retinoid function and gene expression; vitamin A in infection and immunity.

Francisco Diaz

Director of the Center for Reproductive Health and Biology; Associate Professor of Reproductive Biology
Ovarian physiology. Role of SMAD-mediated signaling in follicular and female germ cell (oocyte) development.

Pamela Giblin

Professor of Immunology
The role of receptor tyrosine kinases in normal physiology and disease progression; the downstream signals that mediate these responses in vivo and in vitro.

Paul Bartell

Associate Professor of Avian Biology
The regulation of biological clocks in birds at the systems level.

Ramesh Ramachandran

Professor of Molecular Endocrinology
The influence of hypothalamic neurotransmitters, hormones, and their receptors on avian reproduction.

Scott Selleck

Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Sarah Bronson

Associate Professor of Cellular and Molecular Physiology

Ralph Keil

Associate Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Channe Gowda

Professor of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

Dhimant Desai

Associate Professor of Pharmacology

Jianming Hu

Professor of Microbiology and Immunology

Gregory Yochum

Assoc. Professor, Biochemistry

Gustavo Nader

Professor of Kinesiology
Ribosome biogenesis and cellular growth control. Transcription and epigenetic regulation of ribosomal RNA genes.

Thomas Gould

Jean Phillips Shibley Professor and Department Head of Biobehavioral Health
Using genetic, pharmacological, behavioral, and molecular biological techniques to study the neurobiology of learning and memory and the effects of addiction on it.

Thomas Neuberger

Director, High Field Magnetic Resonance Imaging Facility; Associate Research Professor

Imhoi Koo

Research Assistant Professor
Develop pipeline and algorithms of metabolomics data processing.

Bhuvana Katkere

Research Technologist - Kirimanjeswara Lab

Center for Infectious Disease Dynamics

Joseph Cotruvo

Professor of Chemistry
Biochemistry and chemical biology to uncover and understand new metal and redox biology. We are particularly interested in applications to infectious disease, bioenergy, and cancer biology.

Aron Lukacher

Professor and Chair of Microbiology & Immunology

Thomas Ma

Professor and Chair of Medicine

Katherine Restori

Postdoctoral Researcher

Center for Infectious Disease Dynamics

Denise Okafor

Huck Early Career Chair in Biophysics, Assistant Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Structural mechanisms of signaling and regulation in protein complexes.

Hedong Li

Associate Research Professor

Amir Sheikhi

Huck Early Career Chair in Biomaterials and Regenerative Engineering ; Associate Professor of Chemical Engineering
Micro- and nanoengineered soft materials for medicine and the environment; microfluidic-enabled biomaterials for tissue engineering and regeneration; living materials; next-generation bioadhesives, tissue sealants, and hemostatic agents; hydrogels for minimally invasive medical technologies; self-healing and adaptable soft materials; smart coatings; hairy nanocelluloses as an emerging family of advanced materials.

Tae Hyun Kim

Huck Early Career Chair; Assistant Professor of Avian Biology
Improving poultry health by applying modern genetic approaches including gene editing. Particular focus on identifying key genes and regulatory elements associated with improved economic traits.

Center for Infectious Disease Dynamics

Xiang Zhu

Assistant Professor of Statistics
Statistical Genetics and Genomics

Jordan Bisanz

Assistant Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
The interface of microbiology and bioinformatics, with approaches including genomics and metabolomics to investigate the interplay of diet, drugs, and the gut microbiome.

Parisa Kalantari

Assistant Professor of Immunology
Host-parasite interactions using Schistosoma mansoni-induced liver inflammation in mouse models. Modulation of immune responses by the parasite as well as the role of inflammasomes in inducing schistosomiasis.

Sergei Koshkin

Assistant Research Professor
The application and development of mass spectrometry methods for analysis of biomolecules for identification of prognostic/diagnostic/predictive biomarkers and research of mechanisms and regulations of normal and pathological processes in living systems.

Sibel Irmak

Research Professor of Agricultural and Biological Engineering

Yogasudha Veturi

Assistant Professor of Biobehavioral Health and of Statistics
Developing novel statistical and machine learning methods to better understand shared genetics between complex human diseases across the “phenome” and their connections with cognitive decline as well as genetic underpinnings of sex and ancestral differences in cognitive decline.