20 People Results for the Tag: Liquids

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Girish Kirimanjeswara

Emphasis Area Representative, Immunology and Infectious Disease; Associate Professor of Veterinary and Biomedical Science
Establishing the Virulence Factors

Center for Infectious Disease Dynamics

Leonid Berlyand

Co-Director of the Center for Mathematics of Living and Mimetic Matter; Professor of Mathematics

Scott Showalter

Professor of Chemistry; Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Biophysical Chemistry applied to solution NMR spectroscopy of partially disordered proteins. NMR studies of protein dynamics coupled with computational and theoretical studies of the coupling between nuclear spin relaxation and molecular motion.

Jack Vanden Heuvel

Director of the Center for Excellence in Nutrigenomics; Professor of Molecular Toxicology
Mechanisms of action of hypolipidemic drugs and peroxisome proliferators; steroid hormone receptor-mediated signal transduction; signal transduction by lipids and fatty acids; receptor-mediated carcinogenesis.

Donald Bryant

Ernest C. Pollard Professor of Biotechnology; Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Photosynthesis, structure-function relationships of proteins, gene regulation, and microbial physiology. Cyanobacteria and green sulfur bacteria. Genomics of photosynthetic bacteria.

Donna Korzick

Director of Graduate Training Initiatives; Professor of Physiology and Kinesiology
My research is focused on aging, post-menopausal women, and cardiac ischemia reperfusion injury using animal models. We are particularly interested in the effects of estrogen deficiency on mitochondrial regulation of cell survival following myocardial infarction. Multiple levels of inquiry addressing mitochondrial quality control regulation and immune signaling is emphasized.

William Noid

Assistant Professor of Chemistry

Andrew Belmonte

Director of the Center for Mathematical Biology; Professor of Mathematics and Materials Science and Engineering
Game theory and its applications in cancer research.

Sulin Zhang

Professor of Engineering Science and Mechanics

Heather Karsten

Associate Professor of Crop Production/Ecology

Felipe Montes

Assistant Research Professor
Modeling of agricultural production systems, greenhouse gas emissions, water quality and environmental impacts; Advanced instrumentation and field research techniques for collecting data to feed the process-based models; Bioenergy and biomass production, green house mitigation, life cycle analysis and carbon footprint determination, whit emphasis on shrub coppice willow

Phillip Savage

Department Head and Walter L. Robb Family Chair of Chemical Engineering
Chemical reaction kinetics, algae biofuel, catalysis, sustainability, supercritical fluids.

Chunshan Song

Distinguished Professor of Fuel Science, Professor of Chemical Engineering

Meng Wang

Assistant Professor of Environmental Systems Engineering

Marina Feric

Assistant Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Biomolecular engineering of cellular organization. Biophysical mechanisms underlying biomolecular condensates in health and disease.

Seong Kim

Distinguished Professor of Chemical Engineering; Professor of Materials Science and Engineering

Louisa Holmes

Assistant Professor of Geography and Demography