14 People Results for the Tag: Greenhouse Gases

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Mary Ann Bruns

Professor of Soil Microbiology and Biogeochemistry; Faculty-in-Charge of Microbiome Sciences Dual-Title Degree Program
Compositions and functions of microbiomes in agriculture, ecological restoration, and engineered systems for ecosystem service provision and climate change adaptation

Felipe Montes

Assistant Research Professor
Modeling of agricultural production systems, greenhouse gas emissions, water quality and environmental impacts; Advanced instrumentation and field research techniques for collecting data to feed the process-based models; Bioenergy and biomass production, green house mitigation, life cycle analysis and carbon footprint determination, whit emphasis on shrub coppice willow

Liana Burghardt

Director of the Center for Root and Rhizosphere Biology; Huck Early Career Chair of Root Biology and Rhizosphere Interactions; Assistant Professor of Plant Science
Plant-microbe-climate interactions; the evolution and ecology of legumes and nitrogen-fixing rhizobia; the genomic basis and environment dependence of root, nodule, and mutualism traits; GWAS/transcriptomics/evolve & resequence methodologies

Tom Richard

Professor of Agricultural and Biological Engineering
Application of fundamental engineering science to microbial ecosystems, developing innovative strategies for a more sustainable agriculture and the emerging bio-based economy.

Rachel Brennan

Professor of Civil Engineering

Lara Fowler

Senior Lecturer in International Affairs

Chunshan Song

Distinguished Professor of Fuel Science, Professor of Chemical Engineering

Michael Mann

Distinguished Professor of Atmospheric Science

Adele Turzillo

Professor and Department Head of Animal Science

Brad Cardinale

Department Head, Ecosystem Science and Management

Divya Prakash

Assistant Research Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Joel Landry

Assistant Professor of Environmental and Energy Economics
The welfare evaluation of current and proposed policies given the presence of pre-existing policy distortions and multiple market failures, and the evaluation of the incentives, institutions, and decision-making processes that explain why imperfect policies often emerge