Robert Eckhardt


Robert Eckhardt

Research Summary

Genetic and environmental influences on growth and development in human populations.

Huck Affiliations


Publication Tags

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Hominidae New Species Time Evidence Locomotion Femur Interpretation Benevolence Taxon Textbook Mitochondrial Dna Evolutionary Psychology Technical Literature Economic Freedom Body Height Student Continuity Indonesia History Of Science History Developmental Abnormality Homo Floresiensis Capitalism Socialism Homo Sapiens

Most Recent Publications

Dinaledi Chamber hominins do not support hypothesis of early African Homo ancestry for “Homo floresiensis” taxon based on LB1 specimen.

Robert Eckhardt, American Journal of Physical Anthropology

Robert B. Eckhardt, MacIej Henneberg, 2021, Anthropological Review on p. 317-336

Confirmation of adaptive evolutionary changes in human body size over time on the island of Flores, Indonesia

Robert Eckhardt, Maciej Henneberg, 2020, American Journal of Physical Anthropology on p. 1

Foreword [to The Domestication of Humans by Robert Bednarik]

Robert Eckhardt, Maciej Henneberg, 2020, on p. 10 (approximate)

John Levendis, Robert B. Eckhardt, Walter Block, 2019, Review of Economic Perspectives on p. 73-94

Fluctuating sea levels in Australomelanesia and some shifting hypotheses about human population of Flores, Indonesia

Robert Eckhardt, 2019, American Journal of Physical Anthropology on p. 1

Most-Cited Papers

Maciej Henneberg, Robert B. Eckhardt, Sakdapong Chavanaves, Kenneth J. Hsü, 2014, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America on p. 11967-11972

Robert B. Eckhardt, Maciej Henneberg, Alex S. Weller, Kenneth J. Hsü, 2014, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America on p. 11961-11966

Adam Kuperavage, David Pokrajac, Sakdapong Chavanaves, Robert B. Eckhardt, 2018, Anatomical Record on p. 1834-1839

John Levendis, Robert B. Eckhardt, Walter Block, 2019, Review of Economic Perspectives on p. 73-94

The Endurance Paradox: Bone Health for the Endurance Athlete

Thomas J. Whipple, Robert B. Eckhardt, 2016,

Robert B. Eckhardt, Alex S. Weller, MacIej Henneberg, 2017, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America on p. E11061-E11062

Robert B. Eckhardt, Maciej Henneberg, Sakdapong Chavanaves, Alexander S. Weller, Kenneth J. Hsü, 2015, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America on p. E606

Robert B. Eckhardt, MacIej Henneberg, 2021, Anthropological Review on p. 317-336

Origin and cure of cancer

K. J. Hsü, Robert B. Eckhardt, 2016, Scientia Geologica Sinica on p. 1015-1039