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Andrew Read

Senior Vice President for Research; Evan Pugh Professor of Biology and Entomology; Eberly Professor of Biotechnology
The ecology and evolutionary genetics of infectious disease.

Center for Infectious Disease Dynamics

Joseph Reese

Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Gene regulation in cell cycle and DNA damage control; regulation of DNA damage-induced transcription.

John Regan

Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Biological treatment processes, molecular microbial ecology, bioenergy production.

Tim Reluga

Associate Professor of Mathematics and Biology
Dynamics of biological systems

Center for Infectious Disease Dynamics

Tanya Renner

Associate Professor of Entomology
Evolution of chemical and structural defense. Molecular evolution, evolutionary genomics, and transcriptomics. Origins and evolution of carnivorous plants.

Daniel Renner

Computational Scientist - Szpara Lab

Center for Infectious Disease Dynamics

Katherine Restori

Postdoctoral Researcher

Center for Infectious Disease Dynamics

Gabriela Revi

Biobehavioral Health Graduate Student

Mohammad Rezaee

Associate Professor of Mining Engineering

Emma Rice

Graduate Student

Tom Richard

Professor of Agricultural and Biological Engineering
Application of fundamental engineering science to microbial ecosystems, developing innovative strategies for a more sustainable agriculture and the emerging bio-based economy.

Joseph Ricotta

Postdoctoral Researcher
Mechanotransduction and neurovascular interactions in central nervous system function.

Frank Ritter

Professor of Information Sciences and Technology, Psychology, Cognitive Science
Modeling effects of stress and behavior moderators on cognition within cognitive architectures.

Edwin Rivera-López

Food Science, Clinical and Translational Science Graduate Student
Research phage therapy to understand the mechanisms of phage resistance in E. coli O157:H7, allowing us to predict resistance/susceptibility.

Center for Infectious Disease Dynamics

Amena Rizk

Biochemistry, Microbiology, and Molecular Biology Graduate Student

Gabriella Roane

Undergraduate Student