Patreese Ingram
Assistant Dean of Multicultural Affairs
Huck Affiliations
Most Recent Publications
Effectiveness of the 4-H program as perceived by parents of 4-H participants
Rama B. Radhakrishna, Caitlin Foley, Patreese Donette Ingram, John Ewing, 2013, Journal of Extension
Why are people poor? Social conditions and adolescents’ interpretations of the social contract
Constance A. Flanagan, Patreese Ingram, Erika M. Gallay, Erin E. Gallay, 2013, on p. 53-62
Popcorn and a movie-opening diversity conversations across the state
Patreese D. Ingram, 2013, Journal of Extension
An evaluation of nutrition education program for low-income youth
Olive M.K. Kemirembe, Rama B. Radhakrishna, Elise Gurgevich, Edgar P. Yoder, Patreese D. Ingram, 2011, Journal of Extension
Increasing communication effectiveness and efficiency between the Department of agriculture and the Cypriot farmers they serve
Eftychia Charalambous-Snow, Patreese Ingram, 2011, Journal of International Agricultural and Extension Education on p. 73-86
Are accents one of the last acceptable areas for discrimination?
Patreese Donette Ingram, 2009, Journal of Extension
Impact of Yearlong 4-H Japanese Internship Experience on United States Participants
Patreese D. Ingram, Cherrhonda Smith-Hollins, Rama Radhakrishna, 2009, Journal of International Agricultural and Extension Education on p. 15-29
Exploring the challenges for Extension educators working in urban communities
Nicole Sheree Webster, Patreese Donette Ingram, 2007, Journal of Extension
The Change Agent States for Diversity project: The Catalyst Team approach
Patreese Donette Ingram, 2006, Journal of Extension
The ups and downs of the workplace
Patreese Donette Ingram, 2006, Journal of Extension on p. 5-8
News Articles Featuring Patreese Ingram
Jun 09, 2023
Penn State College of Ag Sciences presents awards for diversity achievements
Penn State’s College of Agricultural Sciences recently announced the recipients of the 2023 Dr. William Henson Diversity Achievement Award, which recognizes distinctive and outstanding teaching, research, extension or creative work that advances diversity in the college.
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Feb 20, 2023
Grant will promote STEM graduate studies for students from diverse backgrounds
A consortium of institutions led by faculty in Penn State’s College of Agricultural Sciences has received a $75,000 planning grant from the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation aimed at expanding the recruitment of and opportunities for Black, Indigenous and Latino students to enroll in science, technology, engineering and mathematics graduate programs.
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