Patreese Ingram

Assistant Dean of Multicultural Affairs

Huck Affiliations

Most Recent Publications

Rama B. Radhakrishna, Caitlin Foley, Patreese Donette Ingram, John Ewing, 2013, Journal of Extension

Why are people poor? Social conditions and adolescents’ interpretations of the social contract

Constance A. Flanagan, Patreese Ingram, Erika M. Gallay, Erin E. Gallay, 2013, on p. 53-62

Patreese D. Ingram, 2013, Journal of Extension

Olive M.K. Kemirembe, Rama B. Radhakrishna, Elise Gurgevich, Edgar P. Yoder, Patreese D. Ingram, 2011, Journal of Extension

Eftychia Charalambous-Snow, Patreese Ingram, 2011, Journal of International Agricultural and Extension Education on p. 73-86

Are accents one of the last acceptable areas for discrimination?

Patreese Donette Ingram, 2009, Journal of Extension

Impact of Yearlong 4-H Japanese Internship Experience on United States Participants

Patreese D. Ingram, Cherrhonda Smith-Hollins, Rama Radhakrishna, 2009, Journal of International Agricultural and Extension Education on p. 15-29

Exploring the challenges for Extension educators working in urban communities

Nicole Sheree Webster, Patreese Donette Ingram, 2007, Journal of Extension

The Change Agent States for Diversity project: The Catalyst Team approach

Patreese Donette Ingram, 2006, Journal of Extension

The ups and downs of the workplace

Patreese Donette Ingram, 2006, Journal of Extension on p. 5-8