Lisa Gatzke-Kopp

Professor of Human Development and Family Studies

Lisa Gatzke-Kopp

Research Summary

Developmental neuroscience of psychopathology with a focus on aggression, hyperactivity, and substance abuse; relationship between experience, environment, and neurobiological dysfunction.

Huck Affiliations

Most Recent Publications

Physiological regulation amond caregivers and their children: Relations with trauma history, symptoms, and parenting behavior.

Laurel Kiser, Diana Fishbein, Lisa Gatzke-Kopp, r Viverette, Kristine Creavey, J Stevenson, D. Medoff, Alex Busuito, Journal of Child and Family Studies on p. 3098-3109

Gabrielle Sky Cardwell, Pamela Marie Cole, Brooke Weaver, Jenna M. Leadbeater, Erika S. Lunkenheimer, Kristin Buss, Lisa Gatzke-Kopp, Nilam Ram, 2025, Social Development

Janet L. Peacock, Susana Diaz Coto, Judy R. Rees, Odile Sauzet, Elizabeth T. Jensen, Raina Fichorova, Anne L. Dunlop, Nigel Paneth, Amy Padula, Tracey Woodruff, Rachel Morello-Frosch, Jessica Trowbridge, Dana Goin, Luis E. Maldonado, Zhongzheng Niu, Akhgar Ghassabian, Leonardo Transande, Assiamira Ferrara, Lisa A. Croen, Stacey Alexeeff, Carrie Breton, Augusto Litonjua, Thomas G. O’Connor, Kristen Lyall, Heather Volk, Akram Alshawabkeh, Justin Manjourides, Carlos A. Camargo, Dana Dabelea, Christine W. Hockett, Casper G. Bendixsen, Irva Hertz-Picciotto, Rebecca J. Schmidt, Alison E. Hipwell, Kate Keenan, Catherine Karr, Kaja Z. LeWinn, Barry Lester, Marie Camerota, Jody Ganiban, Cynthia McEvoy, Michael R. Elliott, Sheela Sathyanarayana, Nan Ji, Joseph M. Braun, Margaret R. Karagas, F. Perera, S. Swan, J. Neiderhiser, L. Gatzke-Kopp, 2024, BMC Public Health

Using ECHO program data to develop a brief measure of caregiver support and cognitive stimulation using the home observation for measurement of the environment-infant/toddler (HOME-IT)

Cindy O. Trevino, Jin Shei Lai, Xiaodan Tang, Kaja Z. LeWinn, Sara S. Nozadi, Adaeze Wosu, Leslie D. Leve, Nissa R. Towe-Goodman, Yu Ni, Joyce Carolyn Graff, Catherine J. Karr, Brent R. Collett, P. B. Smith, L. K. Newby, L. P. Jacobson, D. J. Catellier, R. Gershon, D. Cella, L. Trasande, L. Gatzke-Kopp, M. Swingler, C. Karr, F. Tylavsky, A. Mason, Q. Zhao, N. Bush, J. Ganiban, J. Neiderhiser, 2024, Child Development on p. 2241-2251

An Introduction to Inverse Probability Weighting and Marginal Structural Models: The Case of Environmental Tobacco Exposure and Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Behaviors

Michael T. Willoughby, Siri Warkentien, Erica N. Browne, Lisa Gatzke-Kopp, Daniel Berry, 2024, Developmental Psychology

A Functionalist Perspective of Young Children’s Anger and Sadness

Gabrielle Sky Cardwell, Pamela Marie Cole, Lisa Gatzke-Kopp, Erika S. Lunkenheimer, Kristin A. Buss, Nilam Ram, 2024, Emotion

Xutong Zhang, Lisa Gatzke-Kopp, Elizabeth Skowron, 2024, Development and Psychopathology on p. 1653-1668

Nissa Towe-Goodman, Kristen L. McArthur, Michael Willoughby, Margaret M. Swingler, Cara Wychgram, Allan C. Just, Itai Kloog, Deborah H. Bennett, Daniel Berry, Marnie F. Hazlehurst, M Hazelhurst, Peter James, Marcia Pescador Jimenez, Jin Shei Lai, Leslie D. Leve, Lisa Gatzke-Kopp, Julie B. Schweitzer, Traci A. Bekelman, Catrina Calub, Susan Carnell, Sean Deoni, Viren D'Sa, Carrie Kelly, D Kionis-Mitchell, Daphne Koinis-Mitchell, Michael Petriello, Gita Thapaliya, Rosalind J. Wright, Xueying Zhang, Amii M. Kress, 2024, JAMA network open on p. E245742

Lisa Gatzke-Kopp, Michael Willoughby, Amii M. Kress, Kristen McArthur, Cara Wychgram, David C. Folch, Steve Brunswasser, Dana Dabelea, Amy J. Elliott, Tina Hartert, Margaret Karagas, Cindy T. McEvoy, James A. VanDerslice, Robert O. Wright, Rosalind J. Wright, 2024, American Journal of Public Health on p. 309-318

Izzuddin M. Aris, Pi I.D. Lin, Allison J. Wu, Dana Dabelea, Barry M. Lester, Rosalind J. Wright, Margaret R. Karagas, Jean M. Kerver, Anne L. Dunlop, Christine LM Joseph, Carlos A. Camargo, Jody M. Ganiban, Rebecca J. Schmidt, R , Rita S. Strakovsky, Cindy T. McEvoy, Alison E. Hipwell, Thomas Michael O'Shea, Lacey A. McCormack, Luis E. Maldonado, Zhongzheng Niu, Assiamira Ferrara, Yeyi Zhu, Rana F. Chehab, Eliza W. Kinsey, Nicole R. Bush, Ruby HN Nguyen, Kecia N. Carroll, Emily S. Barrett, Kristen Lyall, L Smis-Taylor, Lauren M. Sims-Taylor, Leonardo Trasande, Jocelyn M. Biagini, Carrie V. Breton, Marisa A. Patti, Brent Coull, Ndidiamaka Amutah-Onukagha, Michele R. Hacker, Tamarra James-Todd, Emily Oken, P. B. Smith, L. K. Newby, L. P. Jacobson, L Jacobsen, D. J. Catellier, G. Fuselier, R. Gershon, D. Cella, S. L. Teitelbaum, A. Stroustrup, S Merhar, L. Gatzke-Kopp, J. Neiderhiser, A Lampland, A Reynolds, M Hudak, G Pryhuber, P Moore, L Washburn, 2024, American Journal of Clinical Nutrition on p. 1216-1226

Most-Cited Papers

Cynthia J. Willner, Lisa M. Gatzke-Kopp, Bethany C. Bray, 2016, Development and Psychopathology on p. 1033-1052

Quantifying respiratory sinus arrhythmia: Effects of misspecifying breathing frequencies across development

Tiffany M. Shader, Lisa M. Gatzke-Kopp, Sheila E. Crowell, M. Jamila Reid, Julian F. Thayer, Michael W. Vasey, Carolyn Webster-Stratton, Ziv Bell, Theodore P. Beauchaine, 2018, Development and Psychopathology on p. 351-366

Kathleen M. Gates, Lisa M. Gatzke-Kopp, Maria Sandsten, Alysia Y. Blandon, 2015, Psychophysiology on p. 1059-1065

Diversity and representation: Key issues for psychophysiological science

Lisa Michelle Kopp, 2016, Psychophysiology on p. 3-13

Rebecca J. Brooker, John E. Bates, Kristin A. Buss, Mara J. Canen, Tracy A. Dennis-Tiwary, Lisa M. Gatzke-Kopp, Caroline Hoyniak, Daniel N. Klein, Autumn Kujawa, Ayelet Lahat, Connie Lamm, Jason S. Moser, Isaac T. Petersen, Alva Tang, Steven Woltering, Louis A. Schmidt, 2020, Journal of Psychophysiology on p. 137-158

Developmental dynamics of autonomic function in childhood

Lisa Gatzke-Kopp, Nilam Ram, 2018, Psychophysiology on p. e13218

Carla B. Kalvin, Karen L. Bierman, Lisa M. Gatzke-Kopp, 2016, Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology on p. 1527-1541

David Dupuis, Nilam Ram, Cynthia J. Willner, Sarah Karalunas, Sidney J. Segalowitz, Lisa M. Gatzke-Kopp, 2015, Developmental Science on p. 452-468

When you go low, I go high: Negative coordination of physiological synchrony among parents and children

Kristine L. Creavy, Lisa M. Gatzke-Kopp, Xutong Zhang, Diana Fishbein, Laurel J. Kiser, 2020, Developmental Psychobiology on p. 310-323

Lisa M. Gatzke-Kopp, Cynthia J. Willner, Michelle K. Jetha, Rachel M. Abenavoli, David DuPuis, Sidney J. Segalowitz, 2015, International Journal of Psychophysiology on p. 300-309