Kathryn Suzanne Scherf
Associate Professor of Psychology
0141 Moore
University Park, PA - kss23@psu.edu
- 814-867-2921
Research Summary
Development of face and object representation in typically developing children and children with developmental disorders.
Huck Affiliations
Most Recent Publications
Social visual attention as a treatment outcome: evaluating the social games for autistic adolescents (SAGA) intervention
K. Suzanne Scherf, Jason W. Griffin, Charles F. Geier, Joshua Morrison Smyth, 2024, Scientific Reports
How is race perceived during adolescence? A meta-analysis of the own-race bias.
Junqiang Dai, Jason W. Griffin, K. Suzanne Scherf, 2024, Developmental Psychology on p. 649-664
The Privileged Status of Peer Faces: Subordinate-level Neural Representations of Faces in Emerging Adults
Junqiang Dai, K. Suzanne Scherf, 2023, Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience on p. 715-735
Experimental Therapeutics: Opportunities and Challenges Stemming From the National Institute of Mental Health Workshop on Novel Target Discovery and Psychosocial Intervention Development
Nancy L. Zucker, Gregory P. Strauss, Joshua Morrison Smyth, K. Suzanne Scherf, Melissa A. Brotman, Rhonda C. Boyd, Jimmy Choi, Maria Davila, Olusola A. Ajilore, Faith Gunning, Julie B. Schweitzer, 2023, Perspectives on Psychological Science
Does social network quality influence facial recognition abilities in emerging adults?
Myles Arrington, K. Scherf, 2022, Journal of Vision on p. 4323
Evaluating the ability of serious game intervention to alter visual processing strategies in autism during eye gaze processing using computational modeling
Jason Griffin, Janet Hsiao, K. Scherf, 2022, Journal of Vision on p. 3956
Mapping the Neural Mechanisms of the Own Species Bias in the Ventrovisual Pathway
Yiming Qian, K. Scherf, 2022, Journal of Vision on p. 4406
College as a Developmental Context for Emerging Adulthood in Autism: A Systematic Review of What We Know and Where We Go from Here
Chaia Flegenheimer, K. Suzanne Scherf, 2022, Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders on p. 2075-2097
Introducing the female Cambridge face memory test – long form (F-CFMT+)
Myles Arrington, Daniel Elbich, Junqiang Dai, Bradley Duchaine, K. Suzanne Scherf, 2022, Behavior Research Methods
Changes in cortical coherence supporting complex visual and social processing in adolescence
Yulia Lerner, K. Suzanne Scherf, Mikhail Katkov, Uri Hasson, Marlene Behrmann, 2021, Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience on p. 2215-2230
Most-Cited Papers
Designing Serious Game Interventions for Individuals with Autism
Elisabeth M. Whyte, Joshua M. Smyth, K. Suzanne Scherf, 2015, Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders on p. 3820-3831
A Two-Hit Model of Autism: Adolescence as the Second Hit
Giorgia Picci, K. Suzanne Scherf, 2015, Clinical Psychological Science on p. 349-371
A theoretical rut: revisiting and critically evaluating the generalized under/over-connectivity hypothesis of autism
Giorgia Picci, Stephen J. Gotts, K. Suzanne Scherf, 2016, Developmental Science on p. 524-549
A quantitative meta-analysis of face recognition deficits in autism: 40 years of research.
Jason W. Griffin, Russell Bauer, K. Suzanne Scherf, 2021, Psychological Bulletin on p. 268-292
The visual white matter: The application of diffusion MRI and fiber tractography to vision science
Ariel Rokem, Hiromasa Takemura, Andrew S. Bock, K. Suzanne Scherf, Marlene Behrmann, Brian A. Wandell, Ione Fine, Holly Bridge, Franco Pestilli, 2017, Journal of Vision on p. 4
From Caregivers to Peers: Puberty Shapes Human Face Perception
Giorgia Picci, K. Suzanne Scherf, 2016, Psychological Science on p. 1461-1473
Animal, but not human, faces engage the distributed face network in adolescents with autism
Elisabeth M. Whyte, Marlene Behrmann, Nancy J. Minshew, Natalie V. Garcia, K. Suzanne Scherf, 2016, Developmental Science on p. 306-317
Individual differences in symptom severity and behavior predict neural activation during face processing in adolescents with autism
K. Suzanne Scherf, Daniel Elbich, Nancy Minshew, Marlene Behrmann, 2015, NeuroImage: Clinical on p. 53-67
Puberty and functional brain development in humans: Convergence in findings?
Junqiang Dai, K. Suzanne Scherf, 2019, Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience
Beyond the FFA: Brain-behavior correspondences in face recognition abilities
Daniel B. Elbich, K. Suzanne Scherf, 2017, NeuroImage on p. 409-422