Jonathan Marks

Professor of Bioethics, Humanities, and Law

Publication Tags

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Public Health Health Opioid Analgesics Epidemics Food Opioid Epidemic Law Disclosure Compromise Private Sector Industry Natural Gas Obesity Conflict Of Interest Health Policy Patient Advocacy Public Private Sector Partnerships Professional Ethics Public Private Partnership Physicians Public Private Partnerships Conflict (Psychology) Dexfenfluramine Public Private Biomedical Research

Most Recent Publications

Trust in Crises and Crises of Trust

Jonathan H. Marks, 2023, Hastings Center Report on p. S9-S15

Jonathan H. Marks, 2021, JAMA - Journal of the American Medical Association on p. 1638

Jonathan H. Marks, 2020, American Journal of Bioethics on p. 103-106

Jonathan H. Marks, 2020, Journal of Bioethical Inquiry on p. 173-189

Beyond Disclosure: Developing Law and Policy to Tackle Corporate Influence

Jonathan H. Marks, 2020, American Journal of Law and Medicine on p. 275-296

Are Corporations Nudging the Nudgers?

Jonathan H. Marks, 2019, American Journal of Bioethics on p. 70-72

Opioid crisis shows partnering with industry can be bad for public health

Jonathan Marks, 2019, The Conversation

The Perils of Partnership: Industry Influence, Institutional Integrity, and Public Health

Jonathan Marks, 2019, on p. 256 pages

The ethics of compromise: Third party, public health and environmental perspectives

Jonathan Harold Marks, 2017, Journal of Medical Ethics on p. 267-268

Jonathan H. Marks, 2017, American Journal of Public Health on p. 360-361

Most-Cited Papers

Jonathan H. Marks, 2020, Journal of Bioethical Inquiry on p. 173-189

Toward a systemic ethics of public-private partnerships related to food and health

Jonathan H. Marks, 2014, Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal on p. 267-299

Jonathan H. Marks, 2017, American Journal of Public Health on p. 360-361

Beyond Disclosure: Developing Law and Policy to Tackle Corporate Influence

Jonathan H. Marks, 2020, American Journal of Law and Medicine on p. 275-296

Jonathan H. Marks, 2014, Hastings Center Report on p. 8-10

Jonathan H. Marks, 2020, American Journal of Bioethics on p. 103-106

Which will Trump: human rights and professional ethics, or torture redux?

Jonathan H. Marks, 2017, Medicine, Conflict and Survival on p. 4-17

Are Corporations Nudging the Nudgers?

Jonathan H. Marks, 2019, American Journal of Bioethics on p. 70-72

Trust in Crises and Crises of Trust

Jonathan H. Marks, 2023, Hastings Center Report on p. S9-S15

Neuroskepticism: Rethinking the ethics of neuroscience and national security

Jonathan H. Marks, 2014, on p. 179-198