Jonas Rubenson
Professor of Kinesiology

Rec Hall
University Park, -
- 814-867-6209
Research Summary
Integrating experimental and modeling approaches to study gait and skeletal muscle function during locomotion in both health and disease/impairment. In particular, the relationship between in vivo muscle mechanics and metabolic energetics and mechanisms underlying locomotor adaptation and optimization.
Huck Affiliations
Most Recent Publications
Unlocking the secrets of kangaroo locomotor energetics: Postural adaptations underpin increased tendon stress in hopping kangaroos
Lauren Thornton, Taylor Dick, John Hutchinson, Glen Lichtark, Craig McGowan, Alexis Wiktorowicz-Conroy, Jonas Rubenson, Cristofer Clemente, ELife
An Implantable Variable Length Actuator for Modulating in Vivo Musculo-Tendon Force in a Bipedal Animal Model
Sean Thomas, Ravin Joshi, Bo Cheng, Huanyu Cheng, Michael C. Aynardi, Gregory S. Sawicki, Jonas Rubenson, 2023, on p. 8538-8543
Humans trade off whole-body energy cost to avoid overburdening muscles while walking
Kirsty McDonald, Joseph P. Cusumano, Andrew Hieronymi, Jonas Rubenson, 2022, Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences on p. 11
Running birds reveal secrets for legged robot design
Jonas Rubenson, Gregory S. Sawicki, 2022, Science Robotics on p. eabo2147
Develpmental plasticity of locomotor economy in guinea fowl
Talayah Johnson, Kavya Katugam, Ian Dechene, Suzanne Cox, S Piazza, Jonas Rubenson, 2021, INTEGRATIVE AND COMPARATIVE BIOLOGY on p. E1154-E1155
Restricting jumping during growth does not alter energy storage capacity
Suzanne Cox, Adam DeBoef, Matthew Salzano, Kavya Katugam, S Piazza, Jonas Rubenson, 2021, INTEGRATIVE AND COMPARATIVE BIOLOGY on p. E167
Developmental plasticity of walking energetics and swing- phase mechanics in chronically limb-loaded fowl
Kavya Katugam, Talayah Johnson, Ian Dechene, Suzanne Cox, S Piazza, Jonas Rubenson, 2021, INTEGRATIVE AND COMPARATIVE BIOLOGY on p. E1161-E1162
Plasticity of the gastrocnemius elastic system in response to decreased work and power demand during growth
Suzanne Cox, A DeBoef, Adam De Boef, Matthew Salzano, Kavyasree Katugam, Stephen Piazza, Jonas Rubenson, 2021, Journal of Experimental Biology on p. jeb242694
Altering the Mechanical Load Environment During Growth Does Not Affect Adult Achilles Tendon Properties in an Avian Bipedal Model
Kavyasree Katugam, Suzanne Cox, Matthew Q. Salzano, Adam De Boef, Adam De Boef, T Neuberger, T Ryan, Michael W. Hast, S Piazza, Thomas Neuberger, Jonas Rubenson, Timothy M. Ryan, Stephen J. Piazza, 2020, Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology
Elastic System Shows No Plasticity to Different Functional Demands During Growth
Suzanne Cox, Adam DeBoef, Matthew Salzano, Kavya Katugam, S Piazza, Jonas Rubenson, 2020, INTEGRATIVE AND COMPARATIVE BIOLOGY on p. E303
Most-Cited Papers
The Foot's Arch and the Energetics of Human Locomotion
Sarah M. Stearne, Kirsty A. McDonald, Jacqueline A. Alderson, Ian North, Charles E. Oxnard, Jonas Rubenson, 2016, Scientific Reports
The role of arch compression and metatarsophalangeal joint dynamics in modulating plantar fascia strain in running
Kirsty A. McDonald, Sarah M. Stearne, Jacqueline A. Alderson, Ian North, Neville J. Pires, Jonas Rubenson, 2016, PLoS One
Musculoskeletal modelling of an ostrich (Struthio camelus) pelvic limb: Influence of limb orientation onmuscular capacity during locomotion
John R. Hutchinson, Jeffery W. Rankin, Jonas Rubenson, Kate H. Rosenbluth, Robert A. Siston, Scott L. Delp, 2015, PeerJ
Inferring muscle functional roles of the ostrich pelvic limb during walking and running using computer optimization
Jeffery W. Rankin, Jonas Rubenson, John R. Hutchinson, 2016, Journal of the Royal Society Interface
Cyclic mechanical stimulation rescues achilles tendon from degeneration in a bioreactor system
Tao Wang, Zhen Lin, Ming Ni, Christine Thien, Robert E. Day, Bruce Gardiner, Jonas Rubenson, Thomas B. Kirk, David W. Smith, Allan Wang, David G. Lloyd, Yan Wang, Qiujian Zheng, Ming H. Zheng, 2015, Journal of Orthopaedic Research on p. 1888-1896
The influence of speed and size on avian terrestrial locomotor biomechanics: Predicting locomotion in extinct theropod dinosaurs
P. J. Bishop, D. F. Graham, L. P. Lamas, J. R. Hutchinson, J. Rubenson, J. A. Hancock, R. S. Wilson, S. A. Hocknull, R. S. Barrett, D. G. Lloyd, C. J. Clemente, 2018, PLoS One on p. 1-40
Three dimensional microstructural network of elastin, collagen, and cells in Achilles tendons
Xin Pang, Jian Ping Wu, Garry T. Allison, Jiake Xu, Jonas Rubenson, Ming Hao Zheng, David G. Lloyd, Bruce Gardiner, Allan Wang, Thomas Brett Kirk, 2017, Journal of Orthopaedic Research on p. 1203-1214
The interaction of compliance and activation on the force-length operating range and force generating capacity of skeletal muscle: A computational study using a guinea fowl musculoskeletal model
S. M. Cox, K. L. Easton, M. Cromie Lear, R. L. Marsh, S. L. Delp, J. Rubenson, 2019, Integrative Organismal Biology
Estimating physical activity energy expenditure with the kinect sensor in an exergaming environment
David Nathan, Du Q. Huynh, Jonas Rubenson, Michael Rosenberg, 2015, PLoS One
Humans trade off whole-body energy cost to avoid overburdening muscles while walking
Kirsty McDonald, Joseph P. Cusumano, Andrew Hieronymi, Jonas Rubenson, 2022, Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences on p. 11
News Articles Featuring Jonas Rubenson
Jun 26, 2023
Two Arts and Architecture faculty receive Huck Institutes joint projects grants
Penn State College of Arts and Architecture faculty members Aaron Knochel, associate professor of art education, and Cristin Millett, professor of art, have received 2023 Joint Projects in Life/Medical Sciences, Arts and Humanities Grants from Penn State’s Huck Institutes of the Life Sciences.
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May 16, 2023
Millett and White to discuss 'Ex-Utero' project at Paris symposium
Cristin Millett, professor of art in sculpture at Penn State, and Cynthia White, adjunct research associate in the College of Arts and Architecture’s Arts & Design Research Incubator (ADRI), will discuss “Ex-Utero,” their ongoing research project culminating in a sculptural artwork of an artificial uterus, at ISEA2023, the 28th International Symposium on Electronic Art, in Paris, France, May 16-21.
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Apr 25, 2016
High school students learn about biomechanics
In honor of National Biomechanics Day on April 7, the Department of Kinesiology hosted 60 State College Area High School students in the Biomechanics Laboratory in Rec Hall to showcase its research and facilities, in such areas as muscle movement and motion analysis.
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