Jared Ali

Associate Chair, Intercollege Graduate Degree Program in Ecology; Director of the Center for Chemical Ecology; Acting Director, Ecology Institute; Associate Professor of Entomology

Jared Ali

Research Summary

Behavior and chemical ecology of multi-trophic interactions, including plant responses to below-ground herbivory and nematode. Insect community ecology, chemical ecology, and coevolution. Trophic cascades, above- and below-ground interactions, chemotaxis of soil nematodes, and evolution of plant defense strategies.

Huck Affiliations


Most Recent Publications

Flipping indirect defense: chemical cues from natural enemies mediate multitrophic interactions

Jessica T. Kansman, Sara L. Hermann, Jared G. Ali, Anjel M. Helms, 2025, Current Opinion in Insect Science

Neonicotinoid Insecticides can Enhance Milkweed Vigor and Subsequently Impact Monarch Performance

Staci Cibotti, Nathaniel McCartney, Rudolf J. Schilder, Jared Gregory Ali, 2025, Journal of Chemical Ecology

Sahil V. Pawar, Sujay M. Paranjape, Grace K. Kalowsky, Michelle Peiffer, Nate McCartney, Jared G. Ali, Gary W. Felton, 2025, Plant, Cell and Environment

Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi influence belowground interactions between a specialist root-feeder and its natural enemy

Elizabeth Davidson-Lowe, Nursyafiqi Zainuddin, Olivia Trase, Nathaniel McCarthy, Jared Gregory Ali, 2024, Journal of Invertebrate Pathology

Staci Cibotti, Phineas J. Saum, Andrew James Myrick, Rudolf J. Schilder, Jared Gregory Ali, 2024, Conservation Physiology

Jessica T. Kansman, Jorge L. Jaramillo, Jared G. Ali, Sara L. Hermann, 2023, Trends in Plant Science on p. 1166-1177

Antoine Guiguet, Nathaniel McCartney, Kadeem Gilbert, John Tooker, Andrew Deans, Jared Gregory Ali, Heather M. Hines, 2023, Biology Letters on p. 20220513–20220513

Chase A. Stratton, Swayamjit Ray, Brosi A. Bradley, Jason P. Kaye, Jared G. Ali, Ebony G. Murrell, 2022, BMC Plant Biology

Victoria M. Pocius, Staci Cibotti, Swayamjit Ray, Obenewa Ankoma-Darko, Nathaniel B. McCartney, Rudolf J. Schilder, Jared G. Ali, 2022, Communications Biology

Low water availability enhances volatile-mediated direct defences but disturbs indirect defences against herbivores

Po An Lin, Sulav Paudel, Nursyafiqi Bin Zainuddin, Ching Wen Tan, Anjel Helms, Jared G. Ali, Gary W. Felton, 2022, Journal of Ecology on p. 2759-2771

Most-Cited Papers

Po-An Lin, Yintong Chen, Gabriela Ponce, Flor Acevedo, Jonathan P. Lynch, Charles Anderson, Jared G. Ali, Gary W. Felton, 2021, Trends in Plant Science on p. 287-300

Ian S. Pearse, Eric LoPresti, Robert N. Schaeffer, William C. Wetzel, Kailen A. Mooney, Jared G. Ali, Paul J. Ode, Micky D. Eubanks, Judith L. Bronstein, Marjorie G. Weber, 2020, Ecology Letters on p. 1137-1152

Induced Plant Defenses Against Herbivory in Cultivated and Wild Tomato

Sulav Paudel, Po An Lin, Majid R. Foolad, Jared G. Ali, Edwin G. Rajotte, Gary W. Felton, 2019, Journal of Chemical Ecology on p. 693-707

Anjel Helms, Swayamjit Ray, Nina Matulis, Margaret Kuzemchak, William Grisales, John Tooker, Jared G. Ali, 2019, Functional Ecology on p. 798-808

Dimitrije Markovic, Ilaria Colzi, Cosimo Taiti, Swayamjit Ray, Romain Scalone, Jared Gregory Ali, Stefano Mancuso, Velemir Ninkovic, 2019, Journal of Experimental Botany on p. 691-700

Po-An Lin, Yintong Chen, Duverney Chaverra-Rodriguez, N Zainuddin, Chan Heu, Nursyafiqi Zainuddin, J Sidhu, M Peiffer, Jagdeep Sidhu, Michelle Peiffer, C Tan, Ching-Wen Tan, A Helms, Anjel Helms, D Kim, Donghun Kim, J Ali, Ali, Jared Ali, J Rasgon, Jason Rasgon, Jonathan Lynch, C Anderson, G Felton, Charles T. Anderson, Gary W. Felton, 2021, New Phytologist on p. 793--803

Monica Hufnagel, Anthony L. Schilmiller, Jared Ali, Zsofia Szendrei, 2017, Ecological Entomology on p. 33-41

E. Erickson, R. R. Junker, Jared Gregory Ali, N. McCartney, H. M. Patch, C. M. Grozinger, 2022, Annals of Botany on p. 561-577

Mycorrhizal composition influences plant anatomical defense and impacts herbivore growth and survival in a life-stage dependent manner

Rondy J. Malik, Jared G. Ali, James D. Bever, 2018, Pedobiologia on p. 29-35

Elizabeth Davidson-Lowe, Zsofia Szendrei, Jared G. Ali, 2019, Ecological Entomology on p. 81-92

News Articles Featuring Jared Ali

Penn State receives $3M grant to address insect biodiversity crisis

Penn State researchers have received a $3 million grant from the National Science Foundation to spearhead a new initiative to create novel monitoring systems for insect populations.

Cover crops project provides fertile ground for USDA graduate fellows

Penn State College of Agricultural Sciences graduate students received more predoctoral fellowships from the U.S. Department of Agriculture than any other institution over the last five years.

Grant will promote STEM graduate studies for students from diverse backgrounds

A consortium of institutions led by faculty in Penn State’s College of Agricultural Sciences has received a $75,000 planning grant from the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation aimed at expanding the recruitment of and opportunities for Black, Indigenous and Latino students to enroll in science, technology, engineering and mathematics graduate programs.

Pennsylvania’s new lawn-fertilizing rules, trees in heat, and bugs on the milkweeds: This Weekend in the Garden

Pennsylvania has a new set of rules aimed at preventing unnecessary lawn fertilizers from polluting waterways.

Jared Ali named director of the Penn State Center for Chemical Ecology

Jared Ali, Dorothy Foehr Huck and J. Lloyd Huck Chair of Chemical Ecology and associate professor of entomology in the College of Agricultural Sciences, has been named director of the Penn State Center for Chemical Ecology (CCE).

Jared Ali named Huck Chair of Chemical Ecology

Jared Ali, associate professor of entomology in Penn State's College of Agricultural Sciences, has been named the Dorothy Foehr Huck and J. Lloyd Huck Chair of Chemical Ecology by the University’s Huck Institutes of the Life Sciences.

Silencing the alarm

An enzyme in the saliva of certain insects prevents their food plants from warning neighboring plants of an attack.

Oh Good, Trillions of Cicadas Are Coming

They’ll make their arrival in the region sometime in May or June.

Nematode odors offer possible advantage in the battle against insect pests

Gardeners commonly use nematodes to naturally get rid of harmful soil-dwelling insects. A new study published today in the journal Functional Ecology revealed that these insect-killing nematodes also produce distinctive chemical cues, which deter Colorado potato beetles and make potato leaves less palatable to them.