Isabelle Holland-Lulewicz
Assistant Professor of Anthropology

- She/Her/Hers
Research Summary
Human-environment dynamics in the Southeastern and Midwestern US by way of paleoenvironmental reconstructions via zooarchaeological analyses of vertebrate and invertebrates, stable isotopes analyses of marine shell, and chronological modelling of anthropogenic exploitations of estuarine and riverine environments.
Huck Affiliations
Most Recent Publications
Beyond Subsistence: Toxic burrfishes and non-food-based economies among the Calusa complex fisher-hunter-gatherers of the American Southeast
Isabelle Holland-Lulewicz, 2025, Journal of Anthropological Archaeology
Shellfishing, sea levels, and the earliest Native American villages (5000–3800 yrs. BP) of the South Atlantic Coast of the U.S
Victor D. Thompson, Matthew Sanger, Karen Y. Smith, Carey J. Garland, Matthew D. Howland, C. Fred T. Andrus, Isabelle Holland-Lulewicz, Carla Hadden, Clark Alexander, Rachel Cajigas, Elliot Blair, Anna Semon, David Hurst Thomas, 2024, Scientific Reports
Cranial variability in North American domestic and wild canids
David A. Byers, Martin H. Welker, Amanda Semanko, Dozie Itie, Sarah Noe, Jonathan Vasquez, Isabelle Holland-Lulewicz, Sarah B. McClure, 2024, Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports
Native American Archaeology of the Coastal American Southeast
Victor Thompson, Isabelle Holland-Lulewicz, 2024,
Calusa Fisheries and Estuarine Socio-Ecologies in Southwestern Florida: An Examination of Large-Bodied Fish
Isabelle Holland-Lulewicz, 2024, Journal of Field Archaeology on p. 418-432
A network approach to zooarchaeological datasets and human-centered ecosystems in southwestern Florida
Isabelle Holland-Lulewicz, Jacob Holland-Lulewicz, 2023, PLoS One on p. 1-40
Native American Affairs Liaison Committee Statement
Isabelle Holland-Lulewicz, Karen Brunso, 2023,
Selfish for Shellfish? Magnanimous about Mollusks? The Transformation of Cooperation across the First Millennium AD at Crystal River and Roberts Island, Florida, USA
Thomas Pluckhahn, Victor Thompson, Matthew Compton, C. Trevor Duke, Isabelle Holland-Lulewicz, 2023, on p. 143-169
A multi-proxy assessment of the impact of environmental instability on Late Holocene (4500-3800 BP) Native American villages of the Georgia coast
Carey J. Garland, Victor D. Thompson, Matthew C. Sanger, Karen Y. Smith, Fred T. Andrus, Nathan R. Lawres, Katharine G. Napora, Carol E. Colaninno, J. Matthew Compton, Sharyn Jones, Carla S. Hadden, Alexander Cherkinsky, Thomas Maddox, Yi Ting Deng, Isabelle H. Lulewicz, Lindsey Parsons, 2022, PLoS One
FAI-24/I-24, Fort Massac Rest Area, Metropolis
Isabelle Holland-Lulewicz, Erin Benson, 2022,
Most-Cited Papers
Market share and recent hiring trends in anthropology faculty positions
Robert J. Speakman, Carla S. Hadden, Matthew H. Colvin, Justin Cramb, K. C. Jones, Travis W. Jones, Isabelle Lulewicz, Katharine G. Napora, Katherine L. Reinberger, Brandon T. Ritchison, Alexandra R. Edwards, Victor D. Thompson, 2018, PLoS One
Ecosystem stability and Native American oyster harvesting along the Atlantic coast of the United States
Victor D. Thompson, Torben Rick, Carey J. Garland, David Hurst Thomas, Karen Y. Smith, Sarah Bergh, Matt Sanger, Bryan Tucker, Isabelle Lulewicz, Anna M. Semon, John Schalles, Christine Hladik, Clark Alexander, Brandon T. Ritchison, 2020, Science advances on p. aba9652
Ancient engineering of fish capture and storage in southwest Florida
Victor D. Thompson, William H. Marquardt, Michael Savarese, Karen J. Walker, Lee A. Newsom, Isabelle Lulewicz, Nathan R. Lawres, Amanda D. Roberts Thompson, Allan R. Bacon, Christoph A. Walser, 2020, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America on p. 8374-8381
Choosing a path to the ancient world in a modern market: The reality of faculty jobs in archaeology
Robert J. Speakman, Carla S. Hadden, Matthew H. Colvin, Justin Cramb, K. C. Jones, Travis W. Jones, Corbin L. Kling, Isabelle Holland-Lulewicz, Katharine G. Napora, Katherine L. Reinberger, Brandon T. Ritchison, Maria Rivera-Araya, April K. Smith, Victor D. Thompson, 2017, American Antiquity on p. 1-12
Exploring Oyster (Crassostrea virginica) Habitat Collection via Oxygen Isotope Geochemistry and its Implications for Ritual and Mound Construction at Crystal River and Roberts Island, Florida
Isabelle H. Lulewicz, Victor D. Thompson, Thomas J. Pluckhahn, C. Fred T. Andrus, Oindrila Das, 2018, Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology on p. 388-404
Oyster paleoecology and Native American subsistence practices on Ossabaw Island, Georgia, USA
Isabelle H. Lulewicz, Victor D. Thompson, Justin Cramb, Bryan Tucker, 2017, Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports on p. 282-289
The archaeology and remote sensing of Santa Elena's four millennia of occupation
Victor D. Thompson, Chester B. DePratter, Jacob Lulewicz, Isabelle Holland-Lulewicz, Amanda D. Roberts Thompson, Justin Cramb, Brandon T. Ritchison, Matthew H. Colvin, 2018, Remote Sensing on p. 248-277
Exploring the season of mound building through oxygen isotope geochemistry at the Garden Patch site, Gulf Coast Florida, USA
Isabelle Holland-Lulewicz, Neill J. Wallis, Victor D. Thompson, 2020, Southeastern Archaeology on p. 16-28
Climate change, resilience, and the Native American Fisher-hunter-gatherers of the late Holocene on the Georgia coast, USA
Brandon T. Ritchison, Victor D. Thompson, Isabelle Lulewicz, Bryan Tucker, John A. Turck, 2021, Quaternary International on p. 82-92
A multi-proxy assessment of the impact of environmental instability on Late Holocene (4500-3800 BP) Native American villages of the Georgia coast
Carey J. Garland, Victor D. Thompson, Matthew C. Sanger, Karen Y. Smith, Fred T. Andrus, Nathan R. Lawres, Katharine G. Napora, Carol E. Colaninno, J. Matthew Compton, Sharyn Jones, Carla S. Hadden, Alexander Cherkinsky, Thomas Maddox, Yi Ting Deng, Isabelle H. Lulewicz, Lindsey Parsons, 2022, PLoS One