Esther Gomez
Associate Professor of Chemical Engineering and Biomedical Engineering

410 Chemical and Biomedical Engineering
University Park, PA -
- 814-867-4732
Research Summary
How the interplay of chemical and mechanical signals acts to control cell behavior and function and the progression of disease.
Huck Affiliations
Most Recent Publications
Chemomechanical regulation of EZH2 localization controls epithelial-mesenchymal transition
Jessica L. Sacco, Zachary T. Vaneman, Ava Self, Elix Sumner, Stella Kibinda, Chinmay S. Sankhe, Esther W. Gomez, 2024, The Quarterly journal of microscopical science
Epithelial–Mesenchymal Plasticity and Epigenetic Heterogeneity in Cancer
Jessica L. Sacco, Esther W. Gomez, 2024, Cancers
Breast Cancer Cells Exhibit Mesenchymal–Epithelial Plasticity Following Dynamic Modulation of Matrix Stiffness
Chinmay S. Sankhe, Jessica L. Sacco, Jacob Lawton, Ryan A. Fair, David Vidotto Rezende Soares, Mohammed K.R. Aldahdooh, Enrique D. Gomez, Esther W. Gomez, 2024, Advanced Biology
Photoactive polymer coatings for antibacterial applications
Brock Hunter, Jessica L. Sacco, Kira Katterle, Joy Kirigo, Thomas Keith Wood, Esther Winter Gomez, Christian W. Pester, 2024, European Polymer Journal
Extracellular matrix viscoelasticity regulates TGFβ1-induced epithelial-mesenchymal transition and apoptosis via integrin linked kinase
Jessica L. Sacco, Zachary T. Vaneman, Esther W. Gomez, 2024, Journal of Cellular Physiology
Solution-processed graphene films for electrochemical monitoring of extracellular nitric oxide released by breast cancer cells
Derrick Butler, Chinmay S. Sankhe, Pouya Soltan Khamsi, Esther W. Gomez, Aida Ebrahimi, 2024, 2D Materials
Flexible Pectin Nanopatterning Drives Cell Wall Organization in Plants
O Siemianowski, Sintu Rongpipi, Joshua Del Mundo, Guillaume Freychet, Mikhail Zhernenkov, E Gomez, E Gomez, Charles Anderson, 2024, JACS Au on p. 177--188
Thermally Induced Gelling Systems Based on Patchy Polymeric Micelles
Binru Han, Shota Fujii, André J. van der Vlies, Masoud Ghasemi, Joshua T. Del Mundo, Sarah N. Kiemle, Esther W. Gomez, Enrique D. Gomez, Ralph H. Colby, Urara Hasegawa, 2024, Advanced Functional Materials
Grazing-incidence X-ray scattering of plant epidermal cell wall
Joshua T. Del Mundo, Enrique D. Gomez, Esther W. Gomez, 2024, on p. 221-234
Matrix polysaccharides affect preferred orientation of cellulose crystals in primary cell walls
Sintu Rongpipi, William J. Barnes, Oskar Siemianowski, Dan Ye, Joshua T. Del Mundo, Sydney Duncombe, Xiaoran Xin, Chenhui Zhu, Michael F. Toney, Ying Gu, Charles T. Anderson, Enrique D. Gomez, Esther W. Gomez, 2024, Cellulose on p. 1397--1415
Most-Cited Papers
Progress and opportunities in the characterization of cellulose – an important regulator of cell wall growth and mechanics
Sintu Rongpipi, Dan Ye, Enrique D. Gomez, Esther W. Gomez, 2019, Frontiers in Plant Science
Preferred crystallographic orientation of cellulose in plant primary cell walls
Dan Ye, Sintu Rongpipi, S Kiemle, William Barnes, Arielle Chaves, Chenhui Zhu, Victoria Norman, Liebman-Pel\'aez, Alexander, Alexander Liebman-Pelaez, Alexander Liebman-Peláez, Alexander Hexemer, Michael Toney, Alison Roberts, Charles Anderson, Daniel Cosgrove, Esther W. Gomez, Enrique D. Gomez, 2020, Nature Communications on p. 1--10
Matrix Rigidity Mediates TGFβ1-induced Epithelial-Myofibroblast Transition by Controlling Cytoskeletal Organization and MRTF-A Localization
Joseph W. O'Connor, Patrick N. Riley, Sandeep M. Nalluri, Parth K. Ashar, Esther Winter Gomez, 2015, Journal of Cellular Physiology on p. 1829-1839
Cytoskeletal signaling in TGFβ-induced epithelial-mesenchymal transition
Sandeep M. Nalluri, Joseph W. O'Connor, Esther W. Gomez, 2015, Cell Motility and the Cytoskeleton on p. 557-569
VE-Cadherin Disassembly and Cell Contractility in the Endothelium are Necessary for Barrier Disruption Induced by Tumor Cells
Virginia Aragon-Sanabria, Steven E. Pohler, Vikram J. Eswar, Matthew Bierowski, Esther W. Gomez, Cheng Dong, 2017, Scientific Reports
Biomimetic Separation of Transport and Matrix Functions in Lamellar Block Copolymer Channel-Based Membranes
Chao Lang, Dan Ye, Woochul Song, Chenhao Yao, Yu Ming Tu, Clara Capparelli, Jacob A. Lanasa, Michael A. Hickner, Esther W. Gomez, Enrique D. Gomez, Robert J. Hickey, Manish Kumar, 2019, ACS Nano on p. 8292-8302
Dehydration-induced physical strains of cellulose microfibrils in plant cell walls
Shixin Huang, Mohamadamin Makarem, S Kiemle, Yunzhen Zheng, Xin He, Dan Ye, Esther W. Gomez, Enrique D. Gomez, Daniel J. Cosgrove, Seong Kim, 2018, Carbohydrate Polymers on p. 337--348
Cell-cell contact and matrix adhesion promote αSMA expression during TGFβ1-induced epithelial-myofibroblast transition via Notch and MRTF-A
Joseph W. O'Connor, Krunal Mistry, Dayne Detweiler, Clayton Wang, Esther W. Gomez, 2016, Scientific Reports
An insight into microscopy and analytical techniques for morphological, structural, chemical, and thermal characterization of cellulose
Ishita Chakraborty, Sintu Rongpipi, Indira Govindaraju, B. Rakesh, Sib Mal, Esther W. Gomez, Enrique D. Gomez, Ranjan Kalita, Yuthika Nath, Nirmal Mazumder, 2022, Microscopy Research and Technique on p. 1990-2015
Resonant soft X-ray scattering reveals cellulose microfibril spacing in plant primary cell walls
Dan Ye, Sarah N. Kiemle, Sintu Rongpipi, Xuan Wang, Cheng Wang, Daniel J. Cosgrove, Esther W. Gomez, Enrique D. Gomez, 2018, Scientific Reports