Derek Lee

Associate Research Professor

Huck Affiliations

Most Recent Publications

Lukas Bierhoff, Monica L. Bond, Arpat Ozgul, Derek E. Lee, 2024, Population Ecology on p. 274-293

Monica L. Bond, Derek E. Lee, Maria Paniw, 2023, Global Change Biology on p. 6693-6712

Monica L. Bond, Arpat Ozgul, Derek E. Lee, 2023, Biodiversity and Conservation on p. 3179-3197

Kin Morandi, Anna K. Lindholm, Derek E. Lee, Monica L. Bond, 2023, African Journal of Ecology on p. 519-522

Derek E. Lee, George G. Lohay, James Madeli, Douglas R. Cavener, Monica L. Bond, 2023, African Journal of Ecology on p. 345-353

George G. Lohay, Derek E. Lee, Lan Wu-Cavener, David L. Pearce, Xiaoyi Hou, Monica L. Bond, Douglas R. Cavener, 2023, Ecology and Evolution

K. Morandi, A. K. Lindholm, D. E. Lee, M. L. Bond, 2022, Journal of Zoology on p. 147-157

Nicholas L. James, Monica L. Bond, Arpat Ozgul, Derek E. Lee, 2022, Journal of Mammalogy on p. 956-969

Matana Levi, Derek E. Lee, Monica L. Bond, Anna C. Treydte, 2022, Journal of Mammalogy on p. 737-744

Most-Cited Papers

Monica L. Bond, Curtis M. Bradley, Christian Kiffner, Thomas A. Morrison, Derek E. Lee, 2017, Landscape Ecology on p. 1705-1721

Derek E. Lee, 2018, Journal of Wildlife Management on p. 1767-1774

Derek E. Lee, Douglas T. Bolger, 2017, Population Ecology on p. 157-168

Fred B. Bercovitch, Philip S.M. Berry, Anne Dagg, Francois Deacon, John B. Doherty, Derek E. Lee, Frédéric Mineur, Zoe Muller, Rob Ogden, Russell Seymour, Bryan Shorrocks, Andy Tutchings, 2017, Current Biology on p. R136-R137

Monica L. Bond, Derek E. Lee, Arpat Ozgul, Barbara König, 2019, Oecologia on p. 335-347

Monica L. Bond, Barbara König, Derek E. Lee, Arpat Ozgul, Damien R. Farine, 2020, Journal of Animal Ecology

Derek E. Lee, Monica L. Bond, 2018, Journal of Mammalogy on p. 459-464

Derek E. Lee, Monica L. Bond, Bernard M. Kissui, Yustina A. Kiwango, Douglas T. Bolger, 2016, Journal of Mammalogy on p. 1015-1025

Mara A. Knüsel, Derek E. Lee, Barbara König, Monica L. Bond, 2019, Animal Behaviour on p. 143-151

News Articles Featuring Derek Lee

Giraffes could go extinct – the 5 biggest threats they face

Giraffe populations have declined by 40% in the last 30 years, and there are now fewer than 70,000 mature individuals left in the wild

Another rare spotless giraffe found-the first ever seen in the wild

There has been another sighting of spotless giraffes in Namibia

Masai giraffes more endangered than previously thought

Giraffes in eastern Africa may be even more endangered than previously thought. A new study led by researchers at Penn State revealed that populations of Masai giraffes separated geographically by the Great Rift Valley have not interbred — or exchanged genetic material — in more than a thousand years, and in some cases hundreds of thousands of years.

Male giraffes are more socially connected than females

Although female giraffes have closer “friends” than male giraffes, male giraffes have more “acquaintances” than females, according to a new study by an international team that includes a Penn State biologist. The study demonstrates that giraffes form a complex multilevel society that is driven by differences in the social connections among individuals, which could have conservation implications for the endangered giraffes.

Whole-Genome Data Point to Four Species of Giraffe

The genome sequences of 51 giraffes from all over Africa contribute to the latest attempt in an ongoing pursuit to pin down a species number.

Friends matter: More sociable giraffes live longer

Adult female giraffes that group together with more of their peers live longer than less sociable individuals, according to a five-year study of giraffes in Tanzania.

Could spotted owls benefit from forest fires?

It may seem counterintuitive, but forest fires are actually beneficial to spotted owls, according to Penn State biologist Derek Lee.

Human presence weakens social relationships of wild giraffes

Living in close proximity to human settlements disturbs giraffe social networks, with animals having weaker bonds and fewer interactions with other giraffes, according to a new study by a team including a Penn State biologist.

Wildfires Can Reduce Biodiversity. Can Biodiversity Be Used to Reduce Wildfires?

Over the past several months, wildfires have burned a huge portion of Australia’s natural landscape. We’re talking almost 18 million acres of bushland, forest and national parks. This was not your typical annual wildfire.

Improving success of giraffe translocations

Researchers advise that Giraffes being translocated for conservation purposes should be moved in groups that contain at least 30 females and three males to ensure long-term population success.