David Koslicki

Chair, Intercollege Graduate Degree Program in Bioinformatics and Genomics; Associate Professor of Computer Science and Engineering and Biology

David Koslicki

Research Summary

Developing efficient algorithms to extract insight from high-throughput sequencing data.

Huck Graduate Students

Huck Affiliations


Most Recent Publications

Susan Tian, Min Soo Kim, Jingcheng Zhao, Kerim Heber, Fuhua Hao, D Koslicki, A Patterson, Jordan Bisanz, Cell Host & Microbe

The statistics of k-mers from a sequence undergoing a simple mutation process without spurious matches

A Blanca, R Harris, D Koslicki, Paul Medvedev, Proceedings of the 25th Annual Conference on Research in Computational Molecular Biology, RECOMB 2021

Identifying and Targeting TNF Signaling in Idiopathic Multicentric Castleman's Disease

Melanie D. Mumau, Michael V. Gonzalez, Chunyu Ma, Abiola H. Irvine, Mateo Sarmiento Bustamante, Saishravan Shyamsundar, Luke Y.C. Chen, David Koslicki, David C. Fajgenbaum, 2025, New England Journal of Medicine on p. 616-618

Pioneering a new field of computational pharmacophenomics to unlock the life-saving potential of existing medicines

David C. Fajgenbaum, Sally Nijim, Grant Mitchell, Matej Macak, Chris Bizon, Alexander Tropsha, David Koslicki, 2025, The Lancet Haematology on p. e94-e96

Mahmudur Rahman Hera, Shaopeng Liu, Wei Wei, Judith S. Rodriguez, Chunyu Ma, David Koslicki, 2024, Bioinformatics on p. ii165-ii173

Cosine Similarity Estimation Using FracMinHash: Theoretical Analysis, Safety Conditions, and Implementation

Mahmudur Rahman Hera, David Koslicki, 2024,

Luiz Irber, David Koslicki, 2024, Journal of Open Source Science

David Koslicki, Stephen White, Chunyu Ma, Alexei Novikov, 2024, Bioinformatics

Karamarie Fecho, Chris Bizon, Tursynay Issabekova, Sierra Moxon, Anne E. Thessen, Shervin Abdollahi, Sergio E. Baranzini, Basazin Belhu, William E. Byrd, Lawrence Chung, Andrew Crouse, Marc P. Duby, Stephen Ferguson, Aleksandra Foksinska, Laura Forero, Jennifer Friedman, Vicki Gardner, Gwênlyn Glusman, Jennifer Hadlock, Kristina Hanspers, Eugene Hinderer, Charlotte Hobbs, Gregory Hyde, Sui Huang, David Koslicki, Philip Mease, Sandrine Muller, Christopher J. Mungall, Stephen A. Ramsey, Jared Roach, Irit Rubin, Shepherd H. Schurman, Anath Shalev, Brett Smith, Karthik Soman, Sarah Stemann, Andrew I. Su, Casey Ta, Paul B. Watkins, Mark D. Williams, Chunlei Wu, Colleen H. Xu, 2023, Journal of Clinical and Translational Science

Wei Wei, Andrew , David Koslicki, 2023, ISMB 2023

Most-Cited Papers

Alexander Sczyrba, Peter Hofmann, Peter Belmann, David Koslicki, Stefan Janssen, Johannes Dröge, Ivan Gregor, Stephan Majda, Jessika Fiedler, Eik Dahms, Andreas Bremges, Adrian Fritz, Ruben Garrido-Oter, Tue Sparholt Jørgensen, Nicole Shapiro, Philip D. Blood, Alexey Gurevich, Yang Bai, Dmitrij Turaev, Matthew Z. Demaere, Rayan Chikhi, Niranjan Nagarajan, Christopher Quince, Fernando Meyer, Monika Balvočiutė, Lars Hestbjerg Hansen, Søren J. Sørensen, Burton K.H. Chia, Bertrand Denis, Jeff L. Froula, Zhong Wang, Robert Egan, Dongwan Don Kang, Jeffrey J. Cook, Charles Deltel, Michael Beckstette, Claire Lemaitre, Pierre Peterlongo, Guillaume Rizk, Dominique Lavenier, Yu Wei Wu, Steven W. Singer, Chirag Jain, Marc Strous, Heiner Klingenberg, Peter Meinicke, Michael D. Barton, Thomas Lingner, Hsin Hung Lin, Yu Chieh Liao, Genivaldo Gueiros Z. Silva, Daniel A. Cuevas, Robert A. Edwards, Surya Saha, Vitor C. Piro, Bernhard Y. Renard, Mihai Pop, Hans Peter Klenk, Markus Göker, Nikos C. Kyrpides, Tanja Woyke, Julia A. Vorholt, Paul Schulze-Lefert, Edward M. Rubin, Aaron E. Darling, Thomas Rattei, Alice C. McHardy, 2017, Nature Methods on p. 1063-1071

Fernando Meyer, Adrian Fritz, Zhi Luo Deng, David Koslicki, Till Robin Lesker, Alexey Gurevich, Gary Robertson, Mohammed Alser, Dmitry Antipov, Francesco Beghini, Denis Bertrand, Jaqueline J. Brito, C. Titus Brown, Jan Buchmann, Aydin Buluç, Bo Chen, Rayan Chikhi, Philip T.L.C. Clausen, Alexandru Cristian, Piotr Wojciech Dabrowski, Aaron E. Darling, Rob Egan, Eleazar Eskin, Evangelos Georganas, Eugene Goltsman, Melissa A. Gray, Lars Hestbjerg Hansen, Steven Hofmeyr, Pingqin Huang, Luiz Irber, Huijue Jia, Tue Sparholt Jørgensen, Silas D. Kieser, Terje Klemetsen, Axel Kola, Mikhail Kolmogorov, Anton Korobeynikov, Jason Kwan, Nathan LaPierre, Claire Lemaitre, Chenhao Li, Antoine Limasset, Fabio Malcher-Miranda, Serghei Mangul, Vanessa R. Marcelino, Camille Marchet, Pierre Marijon, Dmitry Meleshko, Daniel R. Mende, Alessio Milanese, 2022, Nature Methods

Loes M. Olde Loohuis, Serghei Mangul, Anil P.S. Ori, Guillaume Jospin, David Koslicki, Harry Taegyun Yang, Timothy Wu, Marco P. Boks, Catherine Lomen-Hoerth, Martina Wiedau-Pazos, Rita M. Cantor, Willem M. De Vos, René S. Kahn, Eleazar Eskin, Roel A. Ophoff, 2018, Translational Psychiatry

Mohammed Alser, Jeremy Rotman, Dhrithi Deshpande, Kodi Taraszka, Huwenbo Shi, Pelin Icer Baykal, Harry Taegyun Yang, Victor Xue, Sergey Knyazev, Benjamin D. Singer, Brunilda Balliu, David Koslicki, Pavel Skums, Alex Zelikovsky, Can Alkan, Onur Mutlu, Serghei Mangul, 2021, Genome Biology

Daniel McDonald, Yoshiki Vázquez-Baeza, David Koslicki, Jason McClelland, Nicolai Reeve, Zhenjiang Xu, Antonio Gonzalez, Rob Knight, 2018, Nature Methods on p. 847-848

Fernando Meyer, Andreas Bremges, Peter Belmann, Stefan Janssen, Alice C. McHardy, David Koslicki, 2019, Genome Biology on p. 51

Deepak R. Unni, Sierra A.T. Moxon, Michael Bada, Matthew Brush, Richard Bruskiewich, J. Harry Caufield, Paul A. Clemons, Vlado Dancik, Michel Dumontier, Karamarie Fecho, Gustavo Glusman, Jennifer J. Hadlock, Nomi L. Harris, Arpita Joshi, Tim Putman, Guangrong Qin, Stephen A. Ramsey, Kent A. Shefchek, Harold Solbrig, Karthik Soman, Anne E. Thessen, Melissa A. Haendel, Chris Bizon, Christopher J. Mungall, Liliana Acevedo, Stanley C. Ahalt, John Alden, Ahmed Alkanaq, Nada Amin, Ricardo Avila, Jim Balhoff, Sergio E. Baranzini, Andrew Baumgartner, William Baumgartner, Basazin Belhu, MacKenzie Brandes, Namdi Brandon, Noel Burtt, William Byrd, Jackson Callaghan, Marco Alvarado Cano, Steven Carrell, Remzi Celebi, James Champion, Zhehuan Chen, Mei Jan Chen, Lawrence Chung, Kevin Cohen, Tom Conlin, David Koslicki, 2022, Clinical and Translational Science on p. 1848-1855

Nathan Lapierre, Mohammed Alser, Eleazar Eskin, David Koslicki, Serghei Mangul, 2020, Genome Biology

Nathan Lapierre, Serghei Mangul, Mohammed Alser, Igor Mandric, Nicholas C. Wu, David Koslicki, Eleazar Eskin, 2019, BMC Genomics

News Articles Featuring David Koslicki

Translator for biomedical research aims to speed up patient care

$12.8M, five-year project brings together multiple institutions to improve and expand NIH Biomedical Data Translator

Synthetic microbiome therapy suppresses bacterial infection without antibiotics

Precise, targeted treatment using limited strains of gut bacteria effectively protected against C. difficile infection, severe symptoms and recurrent infections in mice.

One Health Microbiome Center launches new video series

The Penn State One Health Microbiome Center (OHMC) announced the launch of a new video series highlighting the center's state-of-the-art resources, research capabilities and collaborative efforts in microbiome sciences.

The stories that defined 2023 for the One Health Microbiome Center

A list of the top 10 most popular Penn State News articles about the One Health Microbiome Center

Huck-supported graduate degree programs transition to new leadership

David Koslicki and Greg Shearer have stepped into the leadership roles for the Huck's Bioinformatics and Genomics (BG) and Physiology graduate programs.

The Microbiome Center announces a free bioinformatics resource for Penn State

The Penn State Microbiome Center, in coordination with the lab of Associate Professor David Koslicki, is offering access to the Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) to all Penn State faculty, staff and students for free.

Penn State Microbiome Center elects new executive committee

The Penn State Microbiome Center in the Huck Institutes of the Life Sciences recently elected six new members to join its executive committee. The new members, along with 11 others who remained on the committee, started their two-year term in July.