David Kennedy
Assistant Professor of Biology

W229B Millennium Science Complex
University Park, PA - dak30@psu.edu
- 814-863-5461
Research Summary
Ecology and evolution of infectious diseases, with particular interest in how disease dynamics influence pathogen emergence, virulence evolution, and drug or vaccine resistance.
Huck Graduate Students
Huck Affiliations
- Center for Infectious Disease Dynamics
- Center for Mathematical Biology
- Ecology
- Molecular, Cellular, and Integrative Biosciences
- Bioinformatics and Genomics
Most Recent Publications
Spillover rate is not predictive of host jump risk
Brandon Simony, David Kennedy, 2024, bioRXiv
Exceptions to the rule: When does resistance evolution not undermine antibiotic therapy in human bacterial infections?
Amrita Bhattacharya, Anton Aluquin, David A. Kennedy, 2024, Evolution Letters on p. 478-493
Detecting and quantifying heterogeneity in susceptibility using contact tracing data
Beth M. Tuschhoff, David A. Kennedy, 2024, PLoS Computational Biology
Developing transmissible vaccines for animal infections
Daniel Streicker, Megan Griffiths, Rustom Antia, Laura Bergner, Peter Bowman, Maria Dos Santos De Moraes, Kevin Esvelt, Mike Famulare, Amy Gilbert, Biao He, Michael Jarvis, David Kennedy, Jennifer Kuzma, Carolyne Wanyonyi, Christopher Remien, Tonie Rocke, Kyle Rosenke, Courtney Schreiner, Justin Sheen, David Simons, Ivet Yordanova, James Bull, Scott Nuismer, 2024, Science on p. 275-277
Comparative analysis of multiple consensus genomes of the same strain of Marek's disease virus reveals intrastrain variation
Alejandro Ortigas-Vasquez, Utsav Pandey, Daniel W. Renner, Chris D. Bowen, Susan J. Baigent, John Dunn, Hans Cheng, Yongxiu Yao, Andrew Fraser Read, Venugopal Nair, David A. Kennedy, Moriah L. Szpara, 2024, Virus Evolution
Death is overrated: the potential role of detection in driving virulence evolution
David A. Kennedy, 2023, Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences
Pathogen evolution during vaccination campaigns
Troy Day, David Kennedy, Andrew F. Read, Sylvain Gandon, 2022, PLoS Biology on p. e3001804
Developing an empirical model for spillover and emergence: Orsay virus host range in Caenorhabditis
Clara Shaw, David A. Kennedy, 2022, Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences
What you need to know about the new COVID-19 variants
David Kennedy, 2021,
What the reproductive number R<sub>0</sub> can and cannot tell us about COVID-19 dynamics
Clara Shaw, David Kennedy, 2021, Theoretical Population Biology on p. 2-9
Most-Cited Papers
Imperfect vaccination can enhance the transmission of highly virulent pathogens
Andrew F. Read, Susan J. Baigent, Claire Powers, Lydia B. Kgosana, Luke Blackwell, Lorraine P. Smith, David A. Kennedy, Stephen W. Walkden-Brown, Venugopal K. Nair, 2015, PLoS Biology on p. e1002198
Why does drug resistance readily evolve but vaccine resistance does not?
David A. Kennedy, Andrew F. Read, 2017, Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences
Potential drivers of virulence evolution in aquaculture
David A. Kennedy, Gael Kurath, Ilana L. Brito, Maureen K. Purcell, Andrew F. Read, James R. Winton, Andrew R. Wargo, 2016, Evolutionary Applications on p. 344-354
Why the evolution of vaccine resistance is less of a concern than the evolution of drug resistance
David Kennedy, Andrew F. Read, 2018, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America on p. 12878-12886
Monitor for COVID-19 vaccine resistance evolution during clinical trials
David Kennedy, Andrew F. Read, David A. Kennedy, 2020, PLoS Biology
Industry-Wide Surveillance of Marek's Disease Virus on Commercial Poultry Farms
David A. Kennedy, Christopher Cairns, Matthew J. Jones, Andrew S. Bell, Rahel M. Salathé, Susan J. Baigent, Venugopal K. Nair, Patricia A. Dunn, Andrew F. Read, 2017, Avian Diseases on p. 153-164
What the reproductive number R<sub>0</sub> can and cannot tell us about COVID-19 dynamics
Clara Shaw, David Kennedy, 2021, Theoretical Population Biology on p. 2-9
Effects of multiple sources of genetic drift on pathogen variation within hosts
David Kennedy, Greg Dwyer, 2018, PLoS Biology
Modeling Marek's disease virus transmission: A framework for evaluating the impact of farming practices and evolution
David A. Kennedy, Patricia A. Dunn, Andrew F. Read, 2018, Epidemics on p. 85-95
Pathogen evolution during vaccination campaigns
Troy Day, David Kennedy, Andrew F. Read, Sylvain Gandon, 2022, PLoS Biology on p. e3001804
News Articles Featuring David Kennedy
Sep 30, 2022
Disease outcomes differ by new host species in virus spillover experiments
Why has the SARS-CoV-2 virus ravaged the global human population, but many other animal viruses haven't? Using nematode worms as a model, researchers at Penn State conducted a set of experiments to investigate the factors influencing the disease outcomes of virus spillover events.
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Nov 29, 2021
Vaccine Makers Already Testing Their Shots Against Omicron Variant
As concerns about the new Omicron variant grow, vaccine makers say they're already working on ways to protect people against the potential new threat.
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Nov 26, 2021
Will Covid variant omicron need a new vaccine? Time and data will tell
The discovery of another coronavirus variant has raised new concerns about the ability of existing vaccines to protect against the mutating virus — and whether they’ll need to be updated.
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Nov 16, 2021
New tool weighs costs and benefits of managing evolution of pathogens and pests
Spend money now on antibiotic stewardship practices or save the money but run the risk of potentially deadly antibiotic-resistant bacteria emerging later? A new economic tool can help physicians, farmers and other people whose activities may influence the evolution of biological organisms, such as pathogens and insects, decide when they should invest in evolution management strategies.
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Apr 28, 2021
Are the vaccines effective against mutant Covid variants?
India is undergoing a massive vaccination effort in the midst of a devastating rise in reported daily cases and deaths. While the main cause of the rise in cases is yet to be determined, epidemiological and virological data point to the rise of new variants of concern being a major contributing factor.
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Mar 17, 2021
How Much Should We Really Worry About the Coronavirus Variants?
Even as things look promising for summer, the coronavirus is still finding new ways to threaten our creep back to normal and our general sense of health and safety.
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Jan 15, 2021
How devastating could Brazil's 'super-covid' be? Study finds coronavirus overwhelmed the country, killing nearly 40% of hospitalized patients as fears grow its variant could ALREADY be in America
Nearly 40 percent of hospitalized COVID-19 patients in Brazil died of the virus as the nation's health care system was inundated with coronavirus cases last year, a new study estimates.
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Dec 22, 2020
Why it matters that the coronavirus is changing — and what this means for vaccine effectiveness (Philadelphia Inquirer)
If this new version of the virus is here to stay, as it appears to be, what does that mean? Will this new version of the virus replace the old one? Will it be easier to catch? And, most important, will the current vaccines still be effective?
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Dec 22, 2020
Why it matters that the coronavirus is changing — and what this means for vaccine effectiveness (The Conversation)
A new variant of SARS-CoV-2 is spreading rapidly in the United Kingdom, with over 1,400 cases since September. SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, generally accumulates mutations slowly over time, but this new variant had accumulated many mutations quickly.
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Dec 14, 2020
What happens if you skip the second dose of the COVID-19 vaccine?
As Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine begins circulating, there is another big logistical challenge ahead: reminding people to get the second dose.
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Nov 17, 2020
Virus evolution could undermine a COVID-19 vaccine – but this can be stopped
The first drug against HIV brought dying patients back from the brink. But as excited doctors raced to get the miracle drug to new patients, the miracle melted away. In each and every patient, the drug only worked only for a while.
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Nov 11, 2020
Mutant coronaviruses found in mink spark massive culls and doom a Danish group’s research
Jens Malmkvist’s life’s work came to a dramatic end this week. An ethologist at Aarhus University, Malmkvist studies the behavior and welfare of farmed mink, with the aim of giving them a better life as they are raised for fur. But on Monday and Tuesday, all 6350 minks at the Aarhus facility were gassed as part of a nationwide cull ordered on 4 November by the Danish government.
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Nov 09, 2020
Vaccines will not be a 'silver bullet' to end Covid-19 immediately
A coronavirus vaccine won't immediately bring the pandemic to an end and scientists and officials must be honest about how long it will take to roll one out and get life back to normal, experts say.
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Nov 09, 2020
Could SARS-CoV-2 evolve resistance to COVID-19 vaccines?
Similar to bacteria evolving resistance to antibiotics, viruses can evolve resistance to vaccines, and the evolution of SARS-CoV-2 could undermine the effectiveness of vaccines that are currently under development, according to a paper published Nov. 9 in the open-access journal PLOS Biology by David Kennedy and Andrew Read from Penn State.
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