Charles Ray

Associate Professor of Ecosystem Science and Management

Charles Ray

Research Summary

Analysis of natural resources systems; wood identification and taxonomy; forest industry economics; wood products operations management; process control, simulation, and optimization; statistical quality control; relationships of wood, moisture, product properties, and environmental emissions; artificial intelligence; lean manufacturing; quality management systems.

Huck Affiliations


Most Recent Publications

What Makes Conifers Retain or Lose Their Needles?

Charles Ray, Mirage Abramowicz, 2023,

What Makes Some Tree Species Prolific Stump Sprouters?

Charles Ray, Patrick Caroff, 2023,

What Can Trees Tell Us About Climate Change?

Charles Ray, Kevin Balawejder, Kevin Balawejder, Melissa Kreye, 2023, on p. 2

Why Do Trees Have Different Types of Bark?

Charles Ray, Daniel Allgood, 2023,

Why Do Some Trees Live Longer Than Others?

Charles Ray, Elijah Wade, 2023,

Lockout/Tagout for the Wood Products Industry

Judd Michael, Kasey Snell, kasey snelgrove, Charles Ray, 2022,

Pennsylvania Timber Market Report, Fourth Quarter 2021

Charles Ray, 2022,

Timber Market Report: 2022 4th Quarter

Charles Ray, 2022,

The Mysterious Wood of Wisteria

Charles Ray, 2021,

Timber Market Report: 2020 4th Quarter

Charles Ray, 2021,

Most-Cited Papers

Junfeng Ma, Gul E.Okudan Kremer, Charles David Ray, 2018, Research in Engineering Design - Theory, Applications, and Concurrent Engineering on p. 469-487

Sebastian K. Anil, Junfeng Ma, Gül E. Kremer, Charles David Ray, Shirin M. Shahidi, 2020, Journal of Industrial Ecology on p. 871-886

Feasibility study on the production and consumption of wood pellets in Iran to meet return-on-investment and greenhouse gas emissions targets

Vahid Nabavi, Majid Azizi, Asghar Tarmian, Charles David Ray, 2020, Renewable Energy on p. 1-20

Jan Wiedenbeck, Matthew Scholl, Paul Blankenhorn, Chuck Ray, 2017, BioResources on p. 853-870

Introducing a status of access to raw material resources for manufacturers of cellulosic industries

Majid Azizi, Charles Ray, 2015, Forest Policy and Economics on p. 17-28

Majid Azizi, Fatemeh Rahimi, Charles D. Ray, Mehdi Faezipour, Mosen Ziaie, 2016, Cogent Business and Management

Cleaner production solution selection for paper making – a case study of Latif paper products Co. Iran

Majid Azizi, Yaghoob Asadizadeh, Charles Ray, Yahya Hamzeh, 2018, International Journal of Sustainable Engineering on p. 342-352

An analysis of cleaner production planning by applying analytic hierarchy process: a wood industry case study

Fatemeh Hasani Khorshidi, Majid Azizi, Charles Ray, Mohammad Mahdi Faezipour, Hamid Zarea Hosseinabadi, 2021, International Journal of Sustainable Engineering on p. 245-254

Identification of the length distribution of lumber defect-free areas

Mykhailo Mysyk, Yaroslav Matsyshyn, Volodymyr Mayevskyy, Charles D. Ray, Roman Kurka, Ivan Sopushynskyy, 2017, Wood and Fiber Science on p. 396-406

Majid Azizi, Charles Ray, 2016, Cogent Business and Management