Camelia Kantor

Associate Director of Strategic Initiatives; Associate Research Professor

Camelia Kantor

Research Summary

Camelia Kantor is a highly interdisciplinary geospatial researcher and integrator. Before joining Huck, her prior work involved HBCU teaching, research and training and national security related program assessment and management. Her research interests are at the intersection of geospatial, life sciences, and business. Since 2010, she has been a frequent speaker, conference lead, and academic program evaluator.

Huck Affiliations

Most Recent Publications

Alemayehu Habteweld, Mihail Kantor, Camelia Kantor, Zafar Handoo, 2024, Frontiers in Plant Science

M Kantor, Zafar Handoo, Camelia Kantor, Lynn Carta, 2022, Horticulturae on p. 208

Geospatial intelligence workforce development in a changing world – An HBCU focus

Rakesh Malhotra, Camelia Kantor, Gordana Vlahovic, 2018, Southeastern Geographer on p. 125-135

Mihail Kantor, Amnon Levi, Judith Thies, Nihat Guner, Camelia Kantor, Stuart Parnham, Arezue Boroujerdi, 2018, Journal of Nematology on p. 303-316

A framework for addressing health disparities in vulnerable populations with the help of Esri Community Analyst

Camelia Maria Kantor, Veronica Constantin, 2017, Geo Journal on p. 1-8

Vulnerability assessment methodology: A tool for policy makers in drafting a sustainable development strategy of rural mining settlements in the Apuseni Mountains, Romania

Veronica Constantin, Lucrina Ştefănescu, Camelia Maria Kantor, 2015, Environmental Science and Policy on p. 129-139

Veronica Constantin, Vasile Surd, Camelia Maria Kantor, 2014, Geographica Pannonica on p. 82-88

Most-Cited Papers

M Kantor, Zafar Handoo, Camelia Kantor, Lynn Carta, 2022, Horticulturae on p. 208

Vulnerability assessment methodology: A tool for policy makers in drafting a sustainable development strategy of rural mining settlements in the Apuseni Mountains, Romania

Veronica Constantin, Lucrina Ştefănescu, Camelia Maria Kantor, 2015, Environmental Science and Policy on p. 129-139

Mihail Kantor, Amnon Levi, Judith Thies, Nihat Guner, Camelia Kantor, Stuart Parnham, Arezue Boroujerdi, 2018, Journal of Nematology on p. 303-316

Alemayehu Habteweld, Mihail Kantor, Camelia Kantor, Zafar Handoo, 2024, Frontiers in Plant Science

A framework for addressing health disparities in vulnerable populations with the help of Esri Community Analyst

Camelia Maria Kantor, Veronica Constantin, 2017, Geo Journal on p. 1-8

Geospatial intelligence workforce development in a changing world – An HBCU focus

Rakesh Malhotra, Camelia Kantor, Gordana Vlahovic, 2018, Southeastern Geographer on p. 125-135

News Articles Featuring Camelia Kantor

Feb. 24 EarthTalks: Cross-disciplinary collaboration employing stakeholder input

Camelia Kantor, associate director of strategic initiatives at the Huck Institutes of the Life Sciences and associate research professor at Penn State, will give the talk, “Bridging Worlds: How Geography and Nematology Research Converge Through Stakeholder Input,” at 4 p.m. on Monday, Feb. 24, in 112 Walker Building at Penn State University Park. Talk will also be available via Zoom.

New program aims to transform research administration with $5.1M NSF grant

The National Science Foundation (NSF) has awarded $5.1 million to support the Skilled Training in Administration and Institutional Research (STAIR) program, a national initiative designed to revolutionize research administration across U.S. academic institutions.

From vision to victory: Penn State's journey to a $20M NSF grant

The establishment of the National Synthesis Center for Emergence in the Molecular and Cellular Sciences (NCEMS) offers valuable lessons for future large-scale, multi-institutional proposals.

Call for Submissions: Faculty course buyouts for large grant writing

The Huck Institutes of the Life Sciences (Huck), in partnership with the Strategic Interdisciplinary Research Office (SIRO) and Penn State Colleges, invites faculty to submit requests for course buyouts to facilitate the preparation of large grant proposals.

Penn State awards five new seed grants to support inter-institutional research

Five new research collaborations between Penn State and minority-serving institutions selected to receive seed funding via the Inter-Institutional Partnerships for Diversifying Research program.

$20M NSF grant to support center to study how complex biological processes arise

A $20 million grant from the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF) will support the establishment and operation of the National Synthesis Center for Emergence in the Molecular and Cellular Sciences (NCEMS) at Penn State.

Huck Leadership Fellows selected for 2024-25

For the 2024-2025 academic year, Huck Institutes of the Life Sciences has appointed Associate Professor of Biomedical Engineering Scott Medina, Professor of Statistics Lingzhou Xue, and Associate Professor of Surgery Dino Ravnic to be Huck Leadership Fellows.

Seed grants fund research collaborations with minority-serving institutions

The first awardees of Penn State’s new Inter-Institutional Partnerships for Diversifying Research (IDPR) initiative have been selected, comprising a total of 16 collaborative projects that connect Penn State researchers with colleagues from minority-serving institutions (MSIs).

Seed grants to foster research collaborations with Minority Serving Institutions

Penn State’s Huck Institutes of the Life Sciences has initiated a new grant program to seed collaborative, interdisciplinary projects that would bring together researchers from Penn State and Minority Serving Institutions (MSIs).

201 promoted teaching, research and clinical faculty celebrated at event

University leaders praised the critical role of faculty with teaching, research and clinical appointments at an event that celebrated their recent promotions with their families and supporters. Speaking at the celebration, Penn State President Neeli Bendapudi said the University’s core missions would not be possible without non-tenure-line faculty.