Directory Search for "C"
Daniel Cosgrove
Eberly Chair and Professor of Biology
Mechanism of plant growth. Function and evolution of expansins. Biochemistry and rheology of plant cell walls. Growth responses to light, hormones, and water stress and other stimuli.
Christine Costello
Assistant Professor of Agricultural and Biological Engineering
Joseph Cotruvo
Professor of Chemistry
Biochemistry and chemical biology to uncover and understand new metal and redox biology. We are particularly interested in applications to infectious disease, bioenergy, and cancer biology.
Estelle Couradeau
Assistant Professor of Ecosystem Science & Management
Dana Coval-Dinant
Graduate Program Coordinator
Oversight of the six Huck inter-college graduate degree programs and supervision of day-to-day operations of graduate office staff and students.
Timothy Craig
Professor of Medicine and Pediatrics in the Department of Medicine, Section of Pulmonary, Allergy and Critical Care
Sharifa Crandall
Assistant Professor of Plant Pathology and Environmental Microbiology
Drawing from community ecology theory to understand how fungal and oomycete pathogens shape plant disease dynamics, with a focus on root and soil microbiome diversity, structure, and function; how ecological disturbances drive the complex interactions between hosts, microbes, and the environment across time and space and using this information to inform plant disease management.
Nikki Crowley
Director, Neuroscience Institute – University Park; Huck Early Career Chair in Neurobiology & Neural Engineering; Assistant Professor of Biology and Biomedical Engineering; Associate Director for Postdoctoral Training and Leadership, Center for Neural Engineering
Investigation of peptidergic transmission throughout the brain, using cell-specific and pathway-specific manipulations to understand how peptides alter neuronal signaling and behavior, particularly in the context of stress and drug use.
Shannon Cruz
Assistant Professor of Communication Arts & Sciences
Processes of persuasion and social influence in risk and environmental contexts.