Bruce Logan

Evan Pugh University Professor and Kappe Professor of Environmental Engineering, Civil and Environmental Engineering

Huck Affiliations


Most Recent Publications

Rachel F. Taylor, Fernan Martinez-Jimenez, Bruce E. Logan, 2025, Electrochemistry Communications

A Modified Donnan Dialysis Process Using Sacrificial Magnesium Plates to Improve Phosphorus Recovery and Capture Ammonium and Potassium for Use as a Liquid Fertilizer

Amir Akbari, Lauren Greenlee, Bruce E. Logan, 2025, ACS ES and T Engineering

Bruce E. Logan, Mim Rahimi, Li Li, Lea R. Winter, Wei Peng, Brandi J. Robinson, 2024, Environmental Science & Technology on p. 20333-20335

Bin Bian, Wenxiang Zhang, Najiaowa Yu, Wei Yang, Jiajie Xu, Bruce E. Logan, Pascal E. Saikaly, 2024, Environmental Science and Ecotechnology

Bin Bian, Najiaowa Yu, Amir Akbari, Le Shi, Xuechen Zhou, Chenghan Xie, Pascal E. Saikaly, Bruce E. Logan, 2024, Water Research

Rachel F. Taylor, Xuechen Zhou, Chenghan Xie, Fernan Martinez, Xinran Zhang, Bastiaan Blankert, Cristian Picioreanu, Bruce E. Logan, 2024, Environmental Science & Technology on p. 10969-10978

Bruce Logan, Fang Zhang, Wulin Yang, Le Shi, 2024, Frontiers of Environmental Science and Engineering

Xuechen Zhou, Rachel F. Taylor, Le Shi, Chenghan Xie, Bin Bian, Bruce E. Logan, 2024, Environmental Science & Technology on p. 391-399

Most-Cited Papers

Bruce E. Logan, Ruggero Rossi, Ala’a Ragab, Pascal E. Saikaly, 2019, Nature Reviews Microbiology on p. 307-319

Bruce E. Logan, Maxwell J. Wallack, Kyoung Yeol Kim, Weihua He, Yujie Feng, Pascal E. Saikaly, 2015, Environmental Science and Technology Letters on p. 206-214

Electrochemical technologies for wastewater treatment and resource reclamation

Yujie Feng, Lisha Yang, Junfeng Liu, Bruce E. Logan, 2016, Environmental Science: Water Research and Technology on p. 800-831

Taeyoung Kim, Christopher A. Gorski, Bruce E. Logan, 2017, Environmental Science and Technology Letters on p. 444-449

COD removal characteristics in air-cathode microbial fuel cells

Xiaoyuan Zhang, Weihua He, Lijiao Ren, Jennifer Stager, Patrick J. Evans, Bruce E. Logan, 2015, Agricultural Wastes on p. 23-31

Emerging electrochemical and membrane-based systems to convert low-grade heat to electricity

Mohammad Rahimi, Anthony P. Straub, Fang Zhang, Xiuping Zhu, Menachem Elimelech, Christopher A. Gorski, Bruce E. Logan, 2018, Energy and Environmental Science on p. 276-285

A thermally regenerative ammonia-based battery for efficient harvesting of low-grade thermal energy as electrical power

Fang Zhang, Jia Liu, Wulin Yang, Bruce E. Logan, 2015, Energy and Environmental Science on p. 343-349

Temporal-spatial changes in viabilities and electrochemical properties of anode biofilms

Dan Sun, Shaoan Cheng, Aijie Wang, Fujian Li, Bruce E. Logan, Kefa Cen, 2015, Environmental Science & Technology on p. 5227-5235

Sunil A. Patil, Sylvia Gildemyn, Deepak Pant, Karsten Zengler, Bruce E. Logan, Korneel Rabaey, 2015, Biotechnology Advances on p. 736-744

Impact of electrode configurations on retention time and domestic wastewater treatment efficiency using microbial fuel cells

Kyoung Yeol Kim, Wulin Yang, Bruce E. Logan, 2015, Water Research on p. 41-46

News Articles Featuring Bruce Logan

Six researchers recognized with Institute of Energy and the Environment Awards

Six Penn State researchers were recognized with Institute of Energy and the Environment’s (IEE) Research Awards at the IEE reception on Jan. 18 at the Hintz Family Alumni Center

Dubai's Costly Water World

About the water in Water World

Penn State Trustees Hear Plans to Boost Research Enterprise

Penn State achieved a record $1.03 billion in research expenditures in FY22 and is poised for continued growth as one of the nation's top research institutions, Lora G. Weiss, senior vice president for research, told the Board of Trustees' Committee on Academic Affairs, Research and Student Life on June 15.

Energy, environmental seed grants awarded to interdisciplinary research teams

Nineteen interdisciplinary research teams received funding through the Institutes of Energy and the Environment’s (IEE) Seed Grant Program for 2023.

Projects to advance zero-waste water research, solutions

A new master agreement with ENOWA, a company tasked with pioneering sustainable energy and water innovations, will support Penn State research efforts in sustainable water solutions.

Six faculty members join the Institutes of Energy and the Environment

Six new Penn State faculty members have joined the Institutes of Energy and the Environment (IEE).

Penn State researcher to deliver renewable energy talk to Danish Parliament

Bruce Logan, the director of the Institutes of Energy and the Environment, has been invited to speak to the Danish Parliament about energy as Europe wrestles with energy costs and insecurity.