Bo Cheng

Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering

Bo Cheng

Research Summary

Bioinspired robotics and animal locomotion

Huck Affiliations

Most Recent Publications

Hummingbirds rapidly respond to the removal of visible light and control a sequence of rate-commanded escape manoeuvres in milliseconds

Md Zafar Anwar, Bret W. Tobalske, Suyash Agrawal, Jean-Michel Mongeau, Haoxiang Luo, Bo Cheng, 2024, Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences

Mohammad Nasirul Haque, Bret W. Tobalske, Bo Cheng, Haoxiang Luo, 2024, Journal of the Royal Society Interface

Wing deformation improves aerodynamic performance of forward flight of bluebottle flies flying in a flight mill

Shih Jung Hsu, Hankun Deng, Junshi Wang, Haibo Dong, Bo Cheng, 2024, Journal of the Royal Society Interface

Hankun Deng, Donghao Li, Kundan Panta, Andrew Wertz, Shashank Priya, Bo Cheng, 2024, Bioinspiration and Biomimetics

Hankun Deng, Donghao Li, Colin Nitroy, Andrew Wertz, Shashank Priya, Bo Cheng, 2024, Journal of the Royal Society Interface

Architectures and key attributes of wing neuromechanical system of natural fliers

Suyash Agrawal, C Rahn, Md Anwar, Bo Cheng, 2024, INTEGRATIVE AND COMPARATIVE BIOLOGY

Kundan Panta, Hankun Deng, Bo Cheng, A Eslam Panah, Azar Panah, 2024, Physics of Fluids

Identifying the pitch wing motion primitive in hummingbird flight using Principal Component Analysis

Md Anwar, Bret Tobalske, Suyash Agrawal, Haoxiang Luo, Bo Cheng, 2024, INTEGRATIVE AND COMPARATIVE BIOLOGY

Kundan Panta, Hankun Deng, Zhiyu Zhang, D Huang, A Eslam Panah, Azar Panah, Bo Cheng, 2024, Bioinspiration and Biomimetics on p. 026009

Applying the Phenotype-Performance-Fitness Paradigm to Explore Aerial Combat in Hummingbirds

Rosalee Elting, Md Anwar, Donald Powers, Bo Cheng, Haoxiang Luo, Bret W. Tobalske, 2024, INTEGRATIVE AND COMPARATIVE BIOLOGY

Most-Cited Papers

An Electromagnetic Actuator for High-Frequency Flapping-Wing Microair Vehicles

Jesse A. Roll, Bo Cheng, Xinyan Deng, 2015, IEEE Transactions on Robotics on p. 400-414

Bo Cheng, Bret W. Tobalske, Donald R. Powers, Tyson L. Hedrick, Susan M. Wethington, George T.C. Chiu, Xinyan Deng, 2016, Journal of Experimental Biology on p. 3518-3531

Haijie Zhang, Elisha Lerner, Bo Cheng, Jianguo Zhao, 2020, IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics

Unsteady aerodynamics of a pitching-flapping-perturbed revolving wing at low Reynolds number

Long Chen, Jianghao Wu, Chao Zhou, Shih Jung Hsu, Bo Cheng, 2018, Physics of Fluids

Instantaneous wing kinematics tracking and force control of a high-frequency flapping wing insect MAV

Jian Zhang, Bo Cheng, Xinyan Deng, 2016, Journal of Micro and Bio Robotics on p. 67-84

Pan Liu, Sanjay P. Sane, Jean-Michel Mongeau, Jianguo Zhao, Bo Cheng, 2019, Science advances

Chengyu Li, Haibo Dong, Bo Cheng, 2020, Physics of Fluids

Long Chen, Jianghao Wu, Bo Cheng, 2020, Zeitschrift fur Flugwissenschaften und Weltraumforschung

Long Chen, Luyao Wang, Chao Zhou, Jianghao Wu, Bo Cheng, 2022, Journal of Fluid Mechanics

Jianghao Wu, Long Chen, Chao Zhou, Shih Jung Hsu, Bo Cheng, 2019, AIAA Journal on p. 3728-3743