Nicole Lazar

Professor of Statistics

Nicole Lazar

Huck Graduate Students

Huck Affiliations


Publication Tags

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Magnetic Resonance Imaging Isotope Mortality Biomechanics Alternatives Critical Value Lasso Tooth Invariance Advice Machine Learning Hypothesis Testing Monte Carlo Simulation Exact Test Archaeology Interaction Data Analysis Brain Empirical Likelihood P Value Enamel Carbon Isotope Bone Material Stable Isotope

Most Recent Publications

IMS awards: Why your nomination is important

Peter Buhlmann, Nicole Lazar, 2023, IMS Bulletin

Nicole A. Lazar, 2023, Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Computational Statistics

Chul Moon, Nicole A. Lazar, 2023, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series C: Applied Statistics on p. 628-648

Petra Vaiglova, Nicole A. Lazar, Elizabeth A. Stroud, Emma Loftus, Cheryl A. Makarewicz, 2023, Quaternary International on p. 86-100

Nicole Lazar, James Byrns, Diane Crowe, Megan McGinty, Angela Abraham, Mike Guo, Megan Mann, Prithvi Narayanan, Lydia Roberts, Benjamin Sidore, Maxwell Wager, 2023, Harvard Data Science Review

Ronald Wasserstein, Allen Schirm, Nicole Lazar, 2023, The New England Journal of Statistics and Data Science

Iris S.C. Verploegh, Nicole A. Lazar, Ronald H.M.A. Bartels, Victor Volovici, 2022, World Neurosurgery on p. 280-283.e3

Arunava Samaddar, Brooke S. Jackson, Christopher J. Helms, Nicole A. Lazar, Jennifer E. McDowell, Cheolwoo Park, 2022, Computational Statistics and Data Analysis

Yogesh Chaudhari, Indrajeet Javeri, Ismailcem Arpinar, John A. Miller, Xiaochuan Li, Bingnan Li, Yuan Ke, Mohammadhossein Toutiaee, Nicole Lazar, 2022, on p. 1245-1252

Most-Cited Papers

Ronald L. Wasserstein, Nicole A. Lazar, 2016, American Statistician on p. 129-133

Ronald L. Wasserstein, Allen L. Schirm, Nicole A. Lazar, 2019, American Statistician on p. 1-19

A Meta-Analysis of fMRI Activation Differences during Episodic Memory in Alzheimer's Disease and Mild Cognitive Impairment

Douglas P. Terry, Dean Sabatinelli, A. Nicolas Puente, Nicole A. Lazar, L. Stephen Miller, 2015, Journal of Neuroimaging on p. 849-860

Suneeti Nathani Iyer, Hailey Denson, Nicole Lazar, D. Kimbrough Oller, 2016, Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics on p. 470-488

Adel Bedoui, Nicole A. Lazar, 2020, Computational Statistics and Data Analysis

Nonparametric variogram modeling with hole effect structure in analyzing the spatial characteristics of fMRI data

Jun Ye, Nicole A. Lazar, Yehua Li, 2015, Journal of Neuroscience Methods on p. 101-115

Incorporating spatial dependence into Bayesian multiple testing of statistical parametric maps in functional neuroimaging

D. Andrew Brown, Nicole A. Lazar, Gauri S. Datta, Woncheol Jang, Jennifer E. McDowell, 2014, NeuroImage on p. 97-112

Petra Vaiglova, Nicole A. Lazar, Elizabeth A. Stroud, Emma Loftus, Cheryl A. Makarewicz, 2023, Quaternary International on p. 86-100

Woncheol Jang, Johan Lim, Nicole A. Lazar, Ji Meng Loh, Donghyeon Yu, 2015, Journal of the Korean Statistical Society on p. 352-365

Albert Vexler, Young Min Kim, Jihnhee Yu, Nicole A. Lazar, Alan D. Hutson, 2014, Scandinavian Journal of Statistics on p. 1013-1030