Guilherme Becker
Associate Professor of Biology

606 Mueller Lab
University Park, PA - He/Him
- 205-242-5273
Research Summary
Host-microbial interactions, landscape genetics and the ecology of global change stressors. Building models and conducting field and laboratory experiments to understand the biotic and abiotic mechanisms driving wildlife disease dynamics in both tropical and temperate systems.
Huck Graduate Students
Huck Affiliations
Most Recent Publications
Haddadus binotatus (leaf litter frog)
R Martins, I Scheeffer, C Becker, Herpetological Review
C. Guilherme Becker,
Amphibian tolerance to arsenic: microbiome-mediated insights
Isabella Ferreira Cordeiro, Camila Gracyelle de Carvalho Lemes, Angélica Bianchini Sanchez, Ana Karla da Silva, Camila Henriques de Paula, Rosilene Cristina de Matos, Dilson Fagundes Ribeiro, Jéssica Pereira de Matos, Camila Carrião Machado Garcia, Marina Beirão, C. Guilherme Becker, Maria Rita Silvério Pires, Leandro Marcio Moreira, 2024, Scientific Reports
Effects of grassland controlled burning on symbiotic skin microbes in Neotropical amphibians
Laura K. Schuck, Wesley J. Neely, Shannon M. Buttimer, Camila F. Moser, Priscila C. Barth, Paulo E. Liskoski, Carolina de A. Caberlon, Victor Hugo Valiati, Alexandro M. Tozetti, C. Guilherme Becker, 2024, Scientific Reports
Leaf Shelters Facilitate the Colonisation of Arthropods and Enhance Microbial Diversity on Plants
Danilo F B dos Santos, Jacob E Herschberger, Bijay Subedi, Victoria M Pocius, Wesley J Neely, Sasha E Greenspan, C. Guilherme Becker, Gustavo Q Romero, Mônica F Kersch-Becker, 2024, Ecology Letters
Brazil must reverse gear on Amazon road development
Lucas Ferrante, C. Guilherme Becker, 2024, Nature on p. 33
Host-associated helminth diversity and microbiome composition contribute to anti-pathogen defences in tropical frogs impacted by forest fragmentation
Wesley J. Neely, Kassia M.C. Souza, Renato A. Martins, Vanessa M. Marshall, Shannon M. Buttimer, Ananda Brito de Assis, Daniel Medina, Ross D. Whetstone, Mariana L. Lyra, José Wagner Ribeiro, Sasha E. Greenspan, Célio F.B. Haddad, Luciano Alves dos Anjos, C. Guilherme Becker, 2024, Royal Society Open Science
Skin microbiome disturbance linked to drought-associated amphibian disease
Shannon Buttimer, Diego Moura-Campos, Sasha E. Greenspan, Wesley J. Neely, Lucas Ferrante, Luís Felipe Toledo, C. Guilherme Becker, 2024, Ecology Letters
Thermal mismatch explains fungal disease dynamics in Brazilian frogs
Tamilie Carvalho, Daniel Medina, Raoni Rebouças, C. Guilherme Becker, Luís Felipe Toledo, 2024, Perspectives in Ecology and Conservation on p. 72-78
Linking microbiome and stress hormone responses in wild tropical treefrogs across continuous and fragmented forests
Wesley J. Neely, Renato A. Martins, Camila M. Mendonça da Silva, Tainá Ferreira da Silva, Lucas E. Fleck, Ross D. Whetstone, Douglas C. Woodhams, W. Harrison Cook, Paula R. Prist, Victor H. Valiati, Sasha E. Greenspan, Alexandro M. Tozetti, Ryan L. Earley, C. Guilherme Becker, 2023, Communications Biology
Most-Cited Papers
Historical amphibian declines and extinctions in Brazil linked to chytridiomycosis
Tamilie Carvalho, C. Guilherme Becker, Luís Felipe Toledo, 2017, Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences
Community richness of amphibian skin bacteria correlates with bioclimate at the global scale
Jordan G. Kueneman, Molly C. Bletz, Valerie J. McKenzie, C. Guilherme Becker, Maxwell B. Joseph, Juan G. Abarca, Holly Archer, Ana Lisette Arellano, Arnaud Bataille, Matthew Becker, Lisa K. Belden, Angelica Crottini, Robert Geffers, Célio F.B. Haddad, Reid N. Harris, Whitney M. Holden, Myra Hughey, Michael Jarek, Patrick J. Kearns, Jacob L. Kerby, Jos Kielgast, Atsushi Kurabayashi, Ana V. Longo, Andrew Loudon, Daniel Medina, José J. Nuñez, R. G.Bina Perl, Adrián Pinto-Tomás, Falitiana C.E. Rabemananjara, Eria A. Rebollar, Ariel Rodríguez, Louise Rollins-Smith, Robert Stevenson, Christoph C. Tebbe, Gabriel Vargas Asensio, Bruce Waldman, Jenifer B. Walke, Steven M. Whitfield, Kelly R. Zamudio, Ibrahim Zúñiga Chaves, Douglas C. Woodhams, Miguel Vences, 2019, Nature Ecology and Evolution on p. 381-389
Host-associated microbiomes are predicted by immune system complexity and climate
Douglas Woodhams, Molly Bletz, C. Guilherme Becker, Hayden Bender, Daniel Buitrago-Rosas, Hannah Diebboll, Roger Huynh, Patrick Kearns, Jordan Kueneman, Emmi Kurosawa, others, Brandon C. Labumbard, Casandra Lyons, Kerry McNally, Klaus Schliep, Nachiket Shankar, Amanda G. Tokash-Peters, Miguel Vences, Ross Whetstone, 2020, Genome Biology on p. 1--20
Hybrids of amphibian chytrid show high virulence in native hosts
S. E. Greenspan, C. Lambertini, T. Carvalho, T. Y. James, L. F. Toledo, C. F.B. Haddad, C. G. Becker, 2018, Scientific Reports
Warming drives ecological community changes linked to host-associated microbiome dysbiosis
Sasha E. Greenspan, Gustavo H. Migliorini, Mariana L. Lyra, Mariana R. Pontes, Tamilie Carvalho, Luisa P. Ribeiro, Diego Moura-Campos, Célio F.B. Haddad, Luís Felipe Toledo, Gustavo Q. Romero, C. Guilherme Becker, 2020, Nature Climate Change on p. 1057-1061
Land cover and forest connectivity alter the interactions among host, pathogen and skin microbiome
C. G. Becker, A. V. Longo, C. F.B. Haddad, K. R. Zamudio, 2017, Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences
Linking genetic and environmental factors in amphibian disease risk
Anna E. Savage, Carlos G. Becker, Kelly R. Zamudio, 2015, Evolutionary Applications on p. 560-572
Variation in phenotype and virulence among enzootic and panzootic amphibian chytrid lineages
C. G. Becker, S. E. Greenspan, K. E. Tracy, J. A. Dash, C. Lambertini, T. S. Jenkinson, D. S. Leite, L. F. Toledo, J. E. Longcore, T. Y. James, K. R. Zamudio, 2017, Fungal Ecology on p. 45-50
Low resistance to chytridiomycosis in direct-developing amphibians
A Mesquita, C Lambertini, M Lyra, L Malagoli, T James, L Toledo, C Haddad, C Becker, 2017, Scientific Reports on p. 16605
Genetic diversity and gene flow decline with elevation in montane mayflies
N. R. Polato, M. M. Gray, B. A. Gill, C. G. Becker, K. L. Casner, A. S. Flecker, B. C. Kondratieff, A. C. Encalada, N. L. Poff, W. C. Funk, K. R. Zamudio, 2017, Heredity on p. 107-116
News Articles Featuring Guilherme Becker
Jun 17, 2024
Unexpected diversity of light-sensing proteins goes beyond vision in frogs
Frogs have maintained a surprising diversity of light-sensing proteins over evolutionary time, according to a new study led by a Penn State researcher. Light-sensing proteins, called opsins, enable vision in sighted animals, and are responsible for many more biological functions like regulating circadian rhythms. The researchers explored the evolution of nonvisual opsins in frogs, finding that most modern species examined in this study retained a shocking number of these proteins.
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Feb 09, 2024
Drought may drive deadly amphibian disease, researchers find
Pumpkin toadlets are in trouble. Progressively severe droughts are disrupting the microbiomes of the thumbnail-sized orange frogs, potentially leaving them vulnerable to a deadly fungal disease, according to a new study by an international research team.
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Jun 12, 2023
Vaccine against deadly chytrid fungus primes frog microbiome for future exposure
A human's or animal’s microbiome — the collection of often beneficial microorganisms, including bacteria and fungi, that live on or within a host organism — can play an important role in the host’s overall immune response, but it is unclear how vaccines against harmful pathogens impact the microbiome.
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Mar 07, 2023
Habitat split may impact disease risk in amphibians and other vertebrates
Habitat split is a common event in the environment that occurs when different classes of natural habitats, such as forests and water, are disconnected.
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