Upcoming Events

Past Events

The Genome Sequences of Neoallotetraploid Poa annua and its Diploid Progenitors, Poa infirma and Poa supina

Christopher Benson, Penn State University

108 Wartik
University Park

CIDD Lunch: A discussion on the lack of a vaccine mandate at Penn State

Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Manuel Llinás, Associate Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology and Biology Moriah Szpara, and Associate Professor of Biology Maciej Boni, Penn State

How to Academically Write on Diversity and Inclusion

Michael Johnson, Associate Professor, University of Arizona

A non-compositional perspective on gene and microbe set enrichment analysis

Kyle McGovern, Penn State

Huck Life Sciences Bld 100
University Park

CIDD Seminar: Building an integrated disease surveillance system for a country; an ongoing experiment from India

Sindura Ganapathi, PSA Fellow, Office of the Principal Scientific Advisor to the Government of India

W-203 Millennium Science Complex
University Park

Covid-19 Vaccines: Science vs Antiscience

Peter Hotez, Baylor University

University Park

Molecular Mechanisms of Plant Control Over Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Symbiosis

Lena Mueller, University of Miami

108 Wartik
University Park

CIDD Lunch: Pandemic prevention: is the public health response insane?

Peter Hudson, Former Director of The Huck Institutes of the Life Sciences; Willaman Professor of Biology, Penn State

Action Club Seminars in Motor Control and Coordination

Jing Xu, University of Georgia

127 Noll Lab
University Park

Science Friction screening and Q&A

Brian Dunning, Skeptoid Media

112 Borland
University Park