Upcoming Events

Past Events

CIDD Seminar: The Value of Histopathology in Lab Animal Research, Plant Disease Diagnoses with Computer Vision

Dr. Erin Luley, Assistant Clinical Professor, Veterinary Anatomic Pathologist and Edward Amoah Ph.D. Student of Hughes' lab, Pennsylvania State University

W-203 Millennium Science Complex
University Park

Cognitive Reserve and Resilience in Aging: What Can We Learn from Animal Models?

Peter Rapp, National Institute of Health (NIH)

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University Park

[CANCELLED] Evolutionary genomics of Vitis: Domestication, Sex and Climate

Brandon Gaut, University of California, Irvine

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University Park

Action Club Seminars in Motor Control and Coordination

Hang Jin Jo, Shirley Ryan Ability Lab

127 Noll Lab
University Park

Reliability and reproducibility in urobiome research – challenges and promise in investigating a low microbial biomass environment

Lisa Karstens, Oregon Health & Science University


CIDD Seminar: “Rats, Sewers and Social Gradients: Examining Drivers of Emerging Infections in Urban Slum Communities”

Albert Ko, Raj and Indra Nooyi Professor of Public Health and Professor of Epidemiology and of Medicine (Infectious Diseases); Yale Institute for Global Health, Yale School of Medicine

W-203 Millennium Science Complex
University Park

Rapid Mechanisms Underlying Estrogenic Regulation of Memory

Karyn Frick, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

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University Park

Challenges and Opportunities in Mental Health Research

Joshua Gordon, National Institute of Health (NIH)

100 Berg Auditorium
University Park

Making a Better Pore - How Form Improves Function of Grass Stomata

Michael Raissig, University of Heidelberg

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University Park

Adaptation of beneficial bacteria to field soil environments

Laura Kaminsky, Penn State

Chemistry Bldg 102
University Park