Upcoming Events

Past Events

View a calendar of upcoming Huck events here.

CIDD Lunch: Measles and Rubella Elimination

Matt Ferrari, Director of CIDD, Pennsylvania State University

University Park

Data Analysis Working Group Workshop

AVBS Building 106
University Park

Eating for two (trillion): Unraveling gut microbial responses to dietary nutrients

Guy Townsend, Penn State College of Medicine

AVBS Building 106
University Park

CIDD Seminar: SARS-CoV-2 inhibition of host responses

Dr. Adolfo Garcia-Sastre, Department of Microbiology and Director of the Global Health and Emerging Pathogens Institute, Icahn School of Medicine Mount Sinai

W203, Millennium Science Center
University Park


Rebecca Shansky, Northeastern University

108 Wartik Building
University Park

A "Sweet" of Expression: A Gene Expression Atlas for the Chocolate Tree (Theobroma cacao)

Evelyn Kulesza & Patrick Thomas, Penn State University

108 Wartik Building
University Park

CIDD Lunch: What I did on my sabbatical. (Dr. Manuel Llinas)

Dr. Manuel Llinas, Distinguished Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, The Huck Institutes for Life Sciences, Pennsylvania State University

W201, Millennium Science Complex
University Park

CBBC Seminar | Eve Marder, Ph.D. | "From Modulation of Small Degenerate Circuits to Climate Change"

Eve Marder, Ph.D., Brandeis University

University Park

The species-specific impact of airway Prevotella on infection resilience in the lung

Sarah Clark, University of Colorado School of Medicine

AVBS Building 106
University Park

Contributions of prefrontal cortical mechanisms to excessive alcohol drinking phenotypes

Jennifer Rinker, MUSC, Medical University of South Carolina

108 Wartik Building
University Park