Upcoming Events

Past Events

View a calendar of upcoming Huck events here.

Using Microsurgery to Induce Angiogenesis

Dr. Dino Ravnic, Penn State

W203 Millennium Science Complex
University Park

Conserving Genetic Diversity of Plant Species Using Genetic Data, Simulations, and Effective Population Size

Sean Hoban, Morton Arboretum

108 Wartik Building
University Park

CIDD Lunch: What is going on in Machtinger Lab

Dr. Erika Macthinger, Assistant Professor of Entomology, Pennsylvania State University

W201 Millennium Science Complex
University Park

Building Backwards to Biotech: The Power of Entrepreneurship to Drive Cutting-Edge Science to Market

Stephanie Wisner, Chief Business Officer, Centivax

603 Eric J. Barron Innovation Hub, 123 South Burrowes
University Park

CBBC Seminar | Alice Graham, Ph.D.

Alice Graham, Ph.D., Oregon Health and Science University

University Park

The Battleground of Sexual Reproduction: How Symbiotic Bacteria Alter Animal Reproduction For Their Own Benefit

Rupinder Kaur, Penn State

AVBS Building 106
University Park

CIDD Seminar: Systematic Identification of Molecular Mediators of Interbacterial Sensing and Responses

Dr. Anupama Khare, Stadtman Investigator, Laboratory of Molecular Biology, National Institute of Health

W203, Millennium Science Complex
University Park

A hypothalamic boost of hippocampal neurogenesis and its functional implication in health and disease

Juan Song, University of North Carolina

108 Wartik Building
University Park

Learn Alyssa's Career Secrets

Alyssa Innes, Merck, Vaccine Development Scientist

University Park

Root multi-omics clarifies N-uptake strategies of woody plants during belowground competition

Suzanne Fleishman, SCINet Postdoc, USDA-ARS Genomics and Bioinformatics Unit

108 Wartik
University Park