Upcoming Events

Past Events

2022 Regenerative Engineering and Translational Ecosystem Symposium

Centre Hills Country Club

Regenerative Engineering and Translational Ecosystem Symposium

Centre Hills Country Club

CIDD Seminar: Quantitative Pharmacology & Pharmacometrics @ Merck: Using mathematical models to develop new drugs and vaccines

Dan Rosenbloom, Merck & Company

W203 Millennium Science Complex
University Park

Mechanical and structural dynamics of epidermal cell walls under tensile loading

Jingyi Yu, Penn State University

108 Wartik
University Park

Unraveling the Role of Neuropeptides in Cortical Microcircuit

Nikki Crowley, Penn State

127 Noll Laboratory
University Park

Microbiome Center Luncheon

CIDD Seminar: Gut Bacterial Symbionts of the Chagas Disease vector "Rhodnius prolixus"

Kevin Vogel, Department of Entomology, University of Georgia

W-203 Millennium Science Complex
University Park

Chemometric Approaches to Natural Product Bioactive Compound Discovery: A Case Study with Ocimum (Basil) Dried Products

Ellie Abraham, Penn State

106 AVBS
University Park

From Research to Policy

Daniel Max Crowley and Michael Donovan, Penn State

Room 612, Eric J. Barron Innovation Hub - 123 S. Burrowes St
University Park

Just breathe! How to make and break gas stomata

Michelle Facette, University of Massachusetts - Amherst

108 Wartik
University Park