Upcoming Events

Past Events

View a calendar of upcoming Huck events here.

CBBC Seminar | David Lydon-Staley, Ph.D.

David Lydon-Staley, Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania

Wartik 108
University Park

Workshop: Biosynthetic gene cluster (BGC) detection in microbial (meta)genomes

Laura Carroll, Umeå University

(Meta)genome mining approaches for novel secondary metabolite discovery

Laura Carroll, Umeå University

AVBS Building 106
University Park

CIDD Seminar: : Vaccine-Induced Resident T Cell Immunity to Respiratory Viral Infections’

Dr. Marulasiddappa Suresh, Professor of Immunology, Department of Pathobiological Sciences, University of Wisconsin-Madison

W203, Millennium Science Complex
University Park

“Oxidative stress-mediated activation of glial innate immune response exacerbates seizures in a fly epilepsy model.”

John Manak, University of Iowa

Learning the Languages of Chloroplasts Through Time and Space

Barry Pogson, Australian National University

108 Wartik
University Park

CBBC Seminar | Elizabeth Losin, Ph.D.

Elizabeth Losin, Ph.D., Department of Biobehavioral Health, Penn State

Wartik 108
University Park

Soil Microbiome Histories Influence Plant Drought Tolerance & Microbiome Center Projects

Nichole Ginnan, Penn State

AVBS Building 106
University Park

Macrobes for Microbes Student Club Meeting

217 Forest Resources Building
University Park

CIDD Seminar: Climate and Plant Disease: From Global to Local to Microclimate Scales

Dr. Rachel Penczykowski, Assistant Professor of Biology, Washington University in St. Louis

W203, Millennium Science Complex
University Park