Upcoming Events

Past Events


Jenni Vanos, School of Sustainability College of Global Futures Arizona State University

127 Noll Laboratory
University Park

Urobiome research - rethinking bacteria in the bladder

Lisa Karstens, Oregon Health & Science University

AVBS Building 106
University Park

CIDD Seminar: Context and the Control of Disease Epidemics

Elaine Nsoesie, School of Public Health, Boston University

W203 Millennium Science Complex
University Park

Sensory plastid-associated PsbP DOMAIN-CONTAINING PROTEIN 3 triggers plant growth- and defense-related epigenetic responses"

Ha Eun Jeh, Penn State University

108 Wartik Building
University Park

Integrating Science into Surf Apparel Design

Sean Newcomer, California State University, San Marcos

127 Noll Laboratory
University Park

Asthma, the Microbiome, and Social Equity

Ariangela Kozik, University of Michigan


CIDD Seminar: The Troubled History of Epidemiology: How Slavery, Colonialism and War Transformed Medicine.

James (Jim) Downs, Department of History, Gettysburg College

Foster Auditorium of the Paterno Library
University Park


Dr. Timothy Allen, Florida International University

108 Wartik Building
University Park

Galaxy History and Data Uploads: Getting data into Galaxy from 1 sample to 100,000 samples

Anton Nekrutenko, Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Penn State

501 Wartik Lab
University Park

Functional and Evolutionary Analyses of Cullin1 Involved in S-RNase-Based Self-Incompatibility in Petunia and in Other Eudicots

Linhan Sun, Penn State University

108 Wartik
University Park