Upcoming Events

Past Events

Unmasking professional identity, moral injury, and the stressors of caregiving

Mark Stephens, Penn State College of Medicine

125 Borland
University Park

Seminar: New concepts for defining and characterizing the bovine microactome

Tim McAllister, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada

AVBS Building 106
University Park

Processing: examining the multiple realities of health crises via matters of care

Brandi Lewis (She/They), Penn State

125 Borland
University Park

CIDD Seminar: Disease Biogeography to Study Climate Change and Pathogen Spillover with Luis Escobar

Dr. Luis Escobar, Virginia Tech

W203 Millennium Science Complex
University Park

Exploring professional caregiver ethics "to infinity and beyond"

Michele Mekel, Penn State

125 Borland
University Park

Animating Stories: Art/wellness collaborations rooted in story circles and mental wellbeing

125 Borland
University Park

Genetics of Harpin Perception in Nonhost Plants

Jeremy Held, Penn State University

108 Wartik Laboratory
University Park

Workshop: Introduction to Python and Roar Collab

Huck Life Sciences 007
University Park

Seminar: TBA

Max Aleman, Penn State

AVBS Building 106
University Park

Illumina/PSU Genomics Core Facility Symposium

233AB, HUB-Robeson Center
University Park