
Water community introduces new council members, director of research

The emerging Penn State Water Consortium announced personnel updates to the Penn State Water Council and the addition of a director of research.

Rebecca Bascom has big plans as new lead of IEE's Health and Environment theme

Accelerating changes to climate and its impact on human health create a renewed urgency for a University-level response that addresses the connections between health and the environment. Among the many areas of development is the Health and the Environment theme of the Institutes of Energy and the Environment (IEE).

International Conference on Pollinator Biology, Health, Policy slated for 2023

Online registration and submission of abstracts now are open for the fifth International Conference on Pollinator Biology, Health and Policy, which is scheduled for July 3-6, 2023, at the Penn Stater Hotel and Conference Center on Penn State’s University Park campus.

Student awarded fellowship to study the genetics of lupus in diverse populations

Keenan Anderson-Fears, a student from Penn State’s Bioinformatics and Genomics doctoral program, is one of six individuals nationally to receive the Gina M. Finzi Memorial Student Summer Fellowship from the Lupus Foundation of America.

Rasgon named Huck Chair of Disease Epidemiology and Biotechnology

Jason Rasgon, professor of entomology and disease epidemiology, has been named Dorothy Foehr Huck and J. Lloyd Huck Chair in Disease Epidemiology and Biotechnology.

Researcher gets grant to study biofilters to reduce livestock facility methane

A scientist in Penn State’s College of Agricultural Sciences has received a $300,000 grant from the U.S. Department of Agriculture to lead a team conducting research on using biofilters to mitigate methane from enteric emissions produced in livestock facilities.

Penn State biologist receives NIH grant to help unlock biology of binge drinking

Nikki Crowley, assistant professor of biology and of biomedical engineering at Penn State, has been awarded a five-year, $1.6 million grant from the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, part of the National Institutes of Health, to study the neurobiology of binge alcohol drinking.

Above-ground microbial communities that quell plant diseases can be developed

Microbial communities naturally living on the leaves and stems of tomato plants can be manipulated to suppress diseases that reduce productivity, according to Penn State researchers, offering hope that growers someday can apply these mixtures of bacteria and fungi to protect plants and improve harvests.

The researchers also found that eating avocados daily improved the overall quality of the participants’ diets by eight points on a 100-point scale.

Daily avocados improve diet quality, help lower cholesterol levels

Eating one avocado a day for six months was found to have no effect on belly fat, liver fat or waist circumference in people with overweight or obesity, according to a new study. However, it did lead to a slight decrease in unhealthy cholesterol levels.

Seventeen Penn State graduate students have received 2022 NASA Pennsylvania Space Grant awards and been named graduate fellows

Graduate students awarded 2022 NASA Space Grant Fellowships

Seventeen Penn State graduate students have received 2022 NASA Pennsylvania Space Grant awards and been named graduate fellows.