
Ayusman Sen, Distinguished Professor of Chemistry. IMAGE: PENN STATE

Ayusman Sen receives Humboldt Research Award

Ayusman Sen, distinguished professor of chemistry at Penn State, has been awarded a Humboldt Research Award by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation of Germany.

First Annual Seed Grant Recipients Announced by the Center of Excellence in Industrial Biotechnology

Seed Grant funding allows faculty at Penn State to initiate research in novel areas of biotechnology.

Exercise may help teens sleep longer, more efficiently

Getting more exercise than normal — or being more sedentary than usual — for one day may be enough to affect sleep later that night, according to a new study led by Penn State.

Shaun Mahony employs machine learning to study gene regulation

Once the fodder of science fiction books and movies, Artificial intelligence -- AI -- and machine learning are making an impact on nearly every facet of society. Penn State’s Institute for CyberScience are among Penn State’s research leaders who are both using AI in their work and studying ways to make sure that the technology’s societal impact is as safe and as beneficial as possible.

Native forest plants rebound when invasive shrubs are removed

Removing invasive shrubs to restore native forest habitat brings a surprising result, according to Penn State researchers, who say desired native understory plants display an unexpected ability and vigor to recolonize open spots.

Plant pathology, environmental microbiology doctoral student receives NSF award

Laura Kaminsky, a doctoral student in Penn State's College of Agricultural Sciences, will be able to advance her research interests in plant pathology after receiving a grant from the National Science Foundation.

CIDD Workshop Addesses the Construction and Maintenance of Immune Memory in Humans

Members of the Center for Infectious Disease Dynamics and guests covered a wide range of topics in their three-day congregation.

Institutes of Energy and the Environment announces seed grant recipients

Several Huck researchers are among the recipients of 2018-19 IEE seed grants.

Thomas McLellan, former deputy director in the Office of National Drug Control Policy in the Obama Administration, presents data showing increased prices and taxes reduce alcohol drinking rates and resultant problems by up to 30 percent. His talk was part of the Consortium to Combat Substance Abuse Conference held at Penn State University Park on April 29, 2019. IMAGE: PATRICK MANSELL

Inaugural conference to address substance misuse held at Penn State

Consortium to Combat Substance Abuse Conference gathered more than 200 researchers, educators, practitioners and policymakers at University Park

A "questing" female Ixodes scapularis (blacklegged tick) reaches out in hopes of climbing aboard a host. Researchers say the blacklegged tick, the primary vector of Lyme disease, was almost nonexistent in Pennsylvania in the 1960s but now is the state's dominant tick species.  IMAGE: JOYCE SAKAMOTO/PENN STATE

More Than 100 Years of Data show Pennsylvania Tick Population Shift

The prevalence of the most abundant species of ticks found in Pennsylvania has shifted over the last century, according to Penn State scientists, who analyzed 117 years' worth of specimens and data submitted primarily by residents from around the state.