
Fishing leads to investigation of environmental changes in waterways

A fisherman's curiosity led to identification of the correlation between microbial communities in recreational freshwater locales and seasonal environmental changes, according to a team of researchers from Penn State.

NSF grant to fund research on brain activity and scientific creative thinking

Roger Beaty, assistant professor of psychology and director of the Cognitive Neuroscience of Creativity Lab in the Penn State Department of Psychology, has received a $1.1 million grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF) along with co-investigators from two other institutions to collaborate on a project aimed at understanding and measuring creativity in the context of science.

Forest carbon still plentiful post-wildfire after century of fire exclusion

Forests in Yosemite National Park hold more carbon today than they did 120 years ago despite burning in a severe wildfire in 2013, according to a Penn State-led team of researchers.​

Asian longhorned beetle larvae eat plant tissues that their parents cannot

Despite the buzz in recent years about other invasive insects that pose an even larger threat to agriculture and trees — such as the spotted lanternfly, the stink bug and the emerald ash borer — Penn State researchers have continued to study another damaging pest, the Asian longhorned beetle.

Penn State names Georgia Tech's Lora Weiss senior vice president for research

Lora G. Weiss, interim senior vice president of the Georgia Institute of Technology and interim director of the Georgia Tech Research Institute (GTRI), has been named senior vice president for research at Penn State, beginning Sept. 16. Weiss also serves as a Regents' Researcher for the University System of Georgia.

Whole genome sequencing may help officials get a handle on disease outbreaks

Researchers used whole genome sequencing to investigate shigella, salmonella pathogens.

New Bioinformatics and Genomics Chair Looks To Capitalize on Program's Strengths

New chair George Perry is considering opportunities for expanded partnerships that will build on the solid foundations already in place in the BG program.

The Other Hand

When it comes to therapy for stroke patients, sometimes treating the wrong hand is exactly right.

July 2019 Genome Research journal cover inspired by the work of Vijay Kumar Pounraja

Bioinformatics and Genomics Student Inspires Journal Cover

The July 2019 issue of Genome Research features art inspired by the work of Penn State graduate student Vijay Kumar Pounraja.

Biology professor, department head recognized for study of amphibians, reptiles

Professor of Biology Tracy Langkilde has been named Distinguished Herpetologist for her contributions to the field by the Herpetologists' League, an international organization of people devoted to studying the biology of amphibians and reptiles.