
An improved understanding of how the microorganism Methanosarcina acetivorans produces methane will allow researchers to measure how much methane will be generated from rice paddies and make other predictions of future climate change.

Methane-producing microorganism makes a meal of iron

Manipulating iron could alter production of this greenhouse gas

A new look at the prevalence of the widespread and often fatal sheep and goat plague virus in Tanzania reveals that livestock managed in a system where they are the sole source of an owners’ livelihood are more likely to become infected than livestock managed in a system where the owners’ livelihood is supplemented by agriculture.

Livestock disease risk tied to herd management style in Tanzania

A new study provides an updated picture of the prevalence of the sheep and goat plague virus (PPRV), a widespread and often fatal disease that threatens 80 percent of the world’s sheep and goats, in Northern Tanzania.

New insights into genetic basis of bird migration

A gene newly associated with the migratory patterns of golden-winged and blue-winged warblers could lend insight into the longstanding question of how birds migrate across such long distances.

Research predicts stability of mosquito-borne disease prevention

More than half of the people in the world, including in the United States, live alongside Aedes aegypti — the mosquito that transmits dengue, Zika and other often deadly viruses. Dengue virus, alone, infects nearly 400 million people worldwide each year.

New Faculty Position at Huck Institutes and Department of Biomedical Engineering

A tenure-line faculty position is available in the field of cell therapies and biomanufacturing.

Engineering faculty named senior members of the National Academy of Inventors

Two professors in the Department of Engineering Science and Mechanics honored for work as inventors.

Foodborne pathogen sheltered by harmless bacteria that support biofilm formation

Pathogenic bacteria that stubbornly lurk in some apple-packing facilities may be sheltered and protected by harmless bacteria that are known for their ability to form biofilms, according to Penn State researchers, who suggest the discovery could lead to development of alternative foodborne-pathogen-control strategies.

Biology graduate student receives three awards for outstanding presentation

Penn State biology graduate student Hannah Reich has been honored with three awards for a presentation she gave at three scientific conferences during summer 2019.

Penn State chemistry alum Kathleen Leamy

Penn State Chemistry Alum Recognized with Young Scientists Award

Kathleen Leamy has been awarded the 2019 Gordon Hammes Scholar Award, based on a 2018 article she co-authored with the Huck Institutes' Neela Yennawar and Phillip Bevilacqua.

Resolution Revolution: Penn State welcomes a new era of atomic-level imaging with cryo EM facility

Using extreme cold to arrest fluid samples in motion, cryo EM allows researchers to see proteins, clusters of molecules, and viruses with astounding clarity—to the point where individual atoms may become visible.