
Penn State responds: App aids UN efforts to control Africa's locust infestation

A partnership with the UN enables Penn State researchers to rapidly respond to the locust crisis with an artificial intelligence tool that tracks the insects’ spread.

n illustration of the ultrastructural morphology exhibited by coronaviruses. A novel coronavirus has caused an outbreak of respiratory illness, named COVID-19, which was first detected in Wuhan, China, in 2019. IMAGE: CENTERS FOR DISEASE CONTROL; ALISSA ECKERT, MS; DAN HIGGINS, MAM.

Penn State joins global effort for open access to emerging coronavirus research

Penn State has joined a global coalition of research organizations pledging to provide immediate open access to emerging research findings related to the outbreak of the 2019 coronavirus, or COVID-19.

Penn State website provides ongoing updates on global coronavirus outbreak

Penn State students, faculty and staff can keep up with the latest information from the University regarding the global coronavirus outbreak via a new website.

Local genetic adaption helps sorghum crop hide from witchweed

Sorghum crops in areas where the agricultural parasite striga, also known as witchweed, is common are more likely to have genetic adaptations to help them resist the parasite, according to new research led by Penn State scientists.

The Huck Institutes of the Life Sciences has re-launched the HITS Fund to support bold new  scientific projects deemed too risky for traditional funding sources.

Huck Innovative and Transformational Seed (HITS) fund will support scientific risk-takers

Penn State’s Huck Institutes seek to foster bold ideas that push the boundaries of life sciences research.

$2.8M grant to fund bioprinting for reconstruction of face, mouth, skull tissues

Seamlessly correcting defects in the face, mouth and skull is highly challenging because it requires precise stacking of a variety of tissues including bone, muscle, fat and skin. Now, Penn State researchers are investigating methods to 3D bioprint and grow the appropriate tissues for craniomaxillofacial reconstruction.

Penn State receives five-year $3.7 million grant to study virus evolution

The evolution of viruses will be the focus of a five-year $3.7 million dollar grant from the National Science Foundation’s new program on convergence research, to an interdisciplinary team led by Penn State. The grant is in two phases, depending on successful completion of phase one milestones.

Scientists solve structure enabling cyanobacteria to thrive in low light

Scientists have determined the structure of the protein complex that gives cyanobacteria their unique ability to convert weak, filtered sunlight into useable energy. Their findings could one day be used to engineer crops that thrive under low-light conditions.

Herringbone pattern in plant cell walls critical to cell growth

Plant cells tend to grow longer instead of wider due to the alignment of the many layers of cellulose that make up their cell walls, according to a new study that may have implications for biofuels research.

Academia-enterprise partnership aims to help people with diabetes

Innovative wound dressing would help reduce life-threatening infections, amputations for diabetic patients.