Past Events

The Seed Microbiome and Its Implications for Plant Resilience

Ashley Shade, Director of Research , Institute of Ecology and the Environment (INÉE), Le Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Université de Lyon, France

University Park

Climate Adaptation in the Anthropocene: Challenges and Opportunities for Restoration and Conservation

Jill Hamilton , Department of Ecosystem Science and Management Pennsylvania State University

108 Wartik Building
University Park

Regulation of Nitrogen Acquisition by Peptide Hormones

Sonali Roy , Tennessee State University

108 Wartik Building
University Park

Learning the Languages of Chloroplasts Through Time and Space

Barry Pogson , Australian National University

108 Wartik
University Park

Conserving Genetic Diversity of Plant Species Using Genetic Data, Simulations, and Effective Population Size

Sean Hoban , Morton Arboretum

108 Wartik Building
University Park

Root multi-omics clarifies N-uptake strategies of woody plants during belowground competition

Suzanne Fleishman, SCINet Postdoc , USDA-ARS Genomics and Bioinformatics Unit

108 Wartik
University Park

A "Sweet" of Expression: A Gene Expression Atlas for the Chocolate Tree (Theobroma cacao)

Evelyn Kulesza & Patrick Thomas , Penn State University

108 Wartik Building
University Park

Fungal Plant Breeding for Increased Seed Yield: What lessons can we learn?

Matthew Sheltra , Penn State University

108 Wartik Building
University Park

Gene editing and allele mining reveal multifaceted roles of rice Gα proteins in plant architecture and drought stress response

Christian Cantos , Penn State University

108 Wartik Building
University Park

CANCELLED - Climate Adaptation in the Anthropocene: Challenges and Opportunities for Restoration and Conservation

Jill Hamilton , Penn State University

108 Wartik Building
University Park