Ashley Russell
Assistant Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (Penn State Behrend)
The role of extracellular vesicles in neuroinflammatory and neurodegenerative disorders
Robert Sainburg
Director of the Center for Movement Science and Technology; Huck Distinguished Chair in Kinesiology and Neurology; Professor of Kinesiology and of Neurology
The neural mechanisms that underlie control, coordination, and learning of voluntary movements in humans. Functional neuroanatomy of lateralized processes of motor control. Neurorehabilitation and Functional Recovery in stroke patients.
Chaleece Sandberg
Assistant Professor of Communication Sciences & Disorders
Exploring cortical reorganization related to successful therapy for acquired language disorders, and how to enhance therapy outcomes.
Krishnankutty Sathian
Director, Neuroscience Institute – Hershey; Professor and Chair of Neurology; Professor of Psychology
Kathryn Suzanne Scherf
Associate Professor of Psychology
Development of face and object representation in typically developing children and children with developmental disorders.
Grayson Sipe
Assistant Professor of Biology
Studying the molecular and cellular mechanisms that drive brain state shifts, which are crucial for understanding maladaptive states in neuropsychiatric disorders such as stress and addiction.
Karolina Skibicka
Huck Chair of Metabolic Physiology; Associate Professor of Nutritional Sciences
Utilizing rodent models to discover novel neural substrates that control fundamental homeostatic and reward controls of food intake, and their failures in the case of obesity and infection-induced anorexia; How food and feeding behavior affect neural circuits controlling sociability and emotionality.
Semyon Slobounov
Professor of Kinesiology and Neurosurgery
Psychophysiology of human movement.
Moriah Szpara
Professor of Biology
How genetic variation influences the outcomes of viral infection, particularly for neurotropic viruses such as herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV-1) and HSV-2, using high-throughput sequencing, comparative genomics, neuronal cultures, and genetic manipulation of both host and pathogen.
Natasha Tirko
Director, Master of Biotechnology Degree Program; Associate Teaching Professor
David Vandenbergh
Professor of Biobehavioral Health
Genetics of addiction in human populations and its neurobiological basis in animal models.
Kimberly Wiersielis
Assistant Professor of Biobehavioral Health
Endocrine disrupting compounds and stress effects on cognition in mice
Stephen Wilson
Professor of Psychology
Addictive behavior, with a specific focus on cigarette smoking.
Qing Yang
Professor of Neurosurgery and Radiology
Alzheimer’s disease, amyloid imaging, metals, MRI and fMRI on aging, neurodegeneration, neuroimaging, olfactory deficits in AD
Brad Zacharia
Associate Professor of Neurosurgery and Otolaryngology