Past Events

The search for the location and functional significance of non-canonical circadian pacemaker(s)

Shin Yamazaki , UT Southwestern Medical Center

008 Mueller Laboratory
University Park

Big10 Monthly Neuroscience Seminar Series: Penn State

Laurel Seemiller and Steffy Manjila , Penn State


Penn State Neuroscience Institute – the Hershey perspective

Krishnankutty Sathian , Director, Penn State Neuroscience Institute Hershey

Room C3621 – Penn State College of Medicine

Neuroscience Graduate Student Research Presentations

Sindhu Baskar (Sipe lab), Jake Gronemeyer (Sipe lab) and Twishi Puri (Mao lab)

008 Mueller Laboratory
University Park

Addiction and GLP-1: From rats to man

Sue Grigson , Hershey College of Medicine

008 Mueller Laboratory
University Park

Center for Reproductive Biology Joint Talk: CRBH x PSNI: Building connections between reproduction and neuroscience

008 Mueller Laboratory
University Park

CRBH x PSNI: Building connections between reproduction and neuroscience

008 Mueller Laboratory
University Park

Neuroscience Graduate Student Research Presentations

Hyunseok Lee (Drew lab) and Tyler Rivera (Gluckman lab) , Penn State University

008 Mueller Laboratory
University Park

CMIND Director search vision talk

Janine Kwapis , Penn State

008 Mueller
University Park


Todd Roberts , UT Southwestern Medical Center

108 Wartik Laboratory
University Park