Past Events

Department of Biology Special Seminar: Roger Clem

Roger Clem

008 Mueller Laboratory
University Park

Big Ten Neuroscience Seminar: Oregon

James Murray and Matt Smear , Oregon


Gut Feelings: Parkinson's Disease and the Gut-Brain Axis

Kirsteen Browning , Penn State University

008 Mueller Laboratory
University Park

Twisting, writhing, breaking: the role of DNA mechanics in neuronal transcription

Ram Madabhushi , UT Southwestern Medical Center

008 Mueller Laboratory
University Park

Big Ten Neuroscience Seminar: Rutgers

Ustav Gyawali and Kimberly Newman , Rutgers University


GABA, GABA, GABA… : From receptor trafficking to stress resilience

Bernhard Luscher , Penn State University

008 Mueller Laboratory
University Park

Signaling through primary cilia in neural development and diseases

Xuecai Ge , University of California, Merced

008 Mueller Laboratory
University Park

Building the axonal cytoskeleton

Shaul Yogev , Yale University

008 Mueller Laboratory
University Park

The search for the location and functional significance of non-canonical circadian pacemaker(s)

Shin Yamazaki , UT Southwestern Medical Center

008 Mueller Laboratory
University Park

Big10 Monthly Neuroscience Seminar Series: Penn State

Laurel Seemiller and Steffy Manjila , Penn State
