The Institute provides oversight and coordination for neuroscience-related activities in education, research, patient care, and outreach while promoting an intellectual environment that enhances the interdisciplinary neuroscience educational experience from the undergraduate to postdoctoral levels.

What makes neuroscience at Penn State special?
Deep expertise in unique areas attracts top talent
Our expertise lies in interdisciplinary areas that keep our science stimulating and cutting-edge
Flexible infrastructure and incentives promote collaboration
Our cross-college adaptable environment creates a rich intellectual community
Productive relationships between scientists and communicators
Rapid strategic communication with media and purposeful outreach speeds research-to-impact
Novel model for industry partnerships
Our emerging industry relations will grow opportunities for student success and commercialization

Neuroscience is a big, wide-open field, but that’s what makes it so exciting. We don’t even know all the questions that we have yet to answer. But I think Penn State is in a strong position to solve some of the big questions.
Nikki Crowley
Director, Penn State Neuroscience Institute at University Park

The existence of the Institute as a multi-campus entity offers tremendous opportunity to leverage strengths at the UP and Hershey campuses and foster synergistic interactions that benefit faculty, trainees, and students on either campus.
Krish Sathian
Director, Penn State Neuroscience Institute at the College of Medicine