
Carrie Lordan Heron

Graduate Student
Research focused on the intersection of Art Education and Environmentalism and Sustainability

Maria Lovallo

Undergraduate Student
Utilizing Drosophila melanogaster to investigate the evolutionary link between physiology and the microbiome.

Ashley Ohstrom

Food Science Graduate Student
Characterizing the unique microbiomes of sourdough starter cultures to investigate microbial activity and enzymes that can hydrolyze gluten during bread fermentation.

Samuel Osabutey

Graduate Student
My research focus on the interaction Pseudomonas syringae strains on Cucurbit, beet and chard plants through the use of MLSA/MLST to understand the evolution. This study will also employ homologous recombination to unravel mechanism of horizontal gene transfer among Pseudomonas syringae strains the above mentioned crops.

Dayna Patterson

Chemistry Graduate Student

Ines Pena

Biology Graduate Student

Tara Pickens

Food Science Graduate Student

Emma Rice

Graduate Student

Edwin Rivera-López

Food Science, Clinical and Translational Science Graduate Student
Research phage therapy to understand the mechanisms of phage resistance in E. coli O157:H7, allowing us to predict resistance/susceptibility.

Damiana Rojas

Plant Pathology & Environmental Microbiology Graduate Student

Maria Rolon

Food Science Graduate Student

Erica Ryu

Biology Graduate Student

Abimel Salazar

Grad Student
My research involves the study of Salmonella enterica and E.coli propagation through different stages of a vegetable value chain in Cambodia.

Lina Sallam

Biochemistry, Microbiology and Molecular Biology Graduate Student